This is an annual event
and was attended by approximately 150 people
This was a very special weekend. We celebrated on the day – Thursday 8th June with three of our priests sharing the service which was also the second Thursday of the month and as thus – including The MINISTRY of HEALING. Left to right – Fr Paul, Fr Rodney and Fr Robin.

Some of our Clergy then travelled to SITGES (just south of Barcelona) for the very spectacular CORPUS CHRISTI event in the streets there. Here is a snap-shot of what they saw, then after Mass the flowers were all trodden on which is the custom.

A wonderful and moving Saturday Easter Vigil including the renewal of our Baptismal vows. Easter Vigil, also called the Paschal Vigil or the Great Vigil of Easter, is a liturgy held in traditional Christian churches as the first official celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus

Fr Jim, Fr Robin, Fr Paul and Fr Rodney
On Palm Sunday 2023 a joint service with Albir and El Campello congregations was held by the Anchor on Albir sea front. This was the first time but will not be the last! There were special PALM SUNDAY services in all of our churches. Then later in the day Frs Paul, Rodney & Robin travelled to Madrid for the very special CHRISM Mass due to take place on Holy Monday.

Fr Paul and others processing from the back.
The Penyon de Ifach in the background (Calpe Rock)
The Chrism Mass is a religious service held in certain Christian denominations, such as Roman Catholicism, Lutheranism, and Anglicanism. It is usually celebrated each year on Maundy Thursday or on another day of Holy Week. During the ceremony, the holy oils used for sacraments and rituals are blessed or consecrated. The 1979 BCP (p. 307) calls for chrism to be consecrated by the bishop. This may be done when the bishop is present in the parish for Confirmation. In many dioceses, the consecration of chrism by the bishop may be done at a service of reaffirmation of ordination vows during Holy Week. Similar to the Roman Catholic ritual, during the Chrism Eucharist, the Bishop will bless the oils used throughout the next year for baptisms and healing. In addition, the Bishop and clergy in attendance will reaffirm their Ordination Vows.

On Tuesday, July 26th 2022 Fr. Marcus Ronchetti celebrated his final communion service as the senior chaplain of the Anglican Chaplaincy of the Holy Spirit Costa Blanca, as he and Sandra move on to retirement, and new and exciting adventures ahead.
In his sermon Fr. Marcus focussed on the love that he has found and given in his ministry, while telling the story of his call to ordination. He was surrounded by his family, his fellow clergy and many, many friends. A chaplaincy choir, led by Fr. Robin sang (beautifully) three beautiful and aptly chosen pieces. We were grateful to Elaine who shared her talent as she accompanied our hymns on the ogan. And Marjorie led our intercessions, including a moving prayer for Sandra and Marcus.
After that we moved to the Hotel Gran Sol for a wonderful hog roast supper party. Tributes were paid by many, including Marcus’ friend and previous warden from Shoreham, and by his three sons, Joe, Tom and Adam. Gifts were given, including a £700 voucher for Virgin “experience” days, and various individual and congregational presents. We talked about the achievements of the past 12 years, of the fellowship, of the community, of the outreach, of the teaching (and the learning) and of the love. We obviously touched on Marcus’s role on (where “fm” stands for “Father Marcus”).
There was dancing to Steve’s disco – and there was fun.
Plus an amazing “Happy Retirement” cake, made in the design of a camper van by Chrissie and provided by Lin. Fr. Marcus’s impressive paper craft, illuminated “canon” caught everyone’s attention. And now we wish Sandra and Marcus great happiness and wonderful adventures, as they prepare to travel off in their own camper.
See this post to view a few photos of the event –
This has been a weekend filled with joy. If you have missed the services where our bishop, David Hamid attended as he toured this parish (which he says is amongst the largest in Europe) you may enjoy a few photos of this wonderful Advent weekend.
On Saturday Bishop David confirmed a total of 11 candidates, ranging over 70 years in age. This is the largest number of people confirmed in a service here in 15 years. As he always does, the bishop spoke to each individually, relating the meaning of each name to their Christian journey. This is always such an intimate moment for each candidate. Cantamus (the singers) sang as did the packed congregation, and we enjoyed our own refreshments after the service.

This was followed by a meeting between the bishop and members of Chaplaincy Council.
Sunday was Advent Sunday, the first day of the church year, and the beginning of the season of preparation for Christmas, when we celebrate the birth of our Lord. Bishop David attended services in Albir and in El Campello, where Father Paul preached. Over 30 attended the Albir service and there Mark, who was confirmed the day before, lit the first candle on the Advent ring.
On Sunday afternoon Bishop David preached at a sunset evensong service in the Ermita in Javea. This is the “original” church location of the chaplaincy, and here we celebrated the 50th anniversary of this parish. Bishop David preached about our success and our challenges, about our ecumenical relationships and hospitality that we share with our Spanish and Norwegian hosts and about the objectives for us to re-grow the church on the Costa Blanca.
This service was followed by mince pies, sandwiches and cava. Throughout, our own wonderful clergy team participated, led by our senior chaplain, Canon Marcus.
Including the recent visit of Diocesan Bishop Robert in September to “collate” Fr. Marcus as Canon, 5 of our church congregations have been blessed with visits from and services with one of our bishops. The preaching has been enriching and the fellowship uplifting. We are truly blessed to live in this very special chaplaincy, which is always successful when we all pull together.
A selection of photos can be viewed via this link –
World Day of Prayer
Here is the link to view the Chaplaincy’s World Day of Prayer service –
It was a zoom service due to COVID and restrictions.
Reopening our churches
For those not yet ready to come back to church Fr. Rodney and Fr. Robin’s Sunday Eucharist will continue on Facebook, at 10am (Spanish time). Just search for Rodney Middleton (Orba) on Facebook. The recording will also be available on YouTube, and the link will be circulated via the Blog Post and on the pages of Facebook.
Many of our regular congregants are not here at the moment, and this is just for information for you.
Archdeaconry Synod
Gail Johnson, our Safeguarding Officer, and one of our lay representatives to Synod this year has posted a number of documents that may interest you, including the welcome sermon from Bishop David, several presentations and papers ….. and a lighthearted sketch about high and low church, which was performed on the final night.
You can also read Gail’s report of Synod –
Blessing Pure Gold
The Feast of St Francis saw Fr Marcus conducting a Blessing of the revamped Pure Gold Radio Station.

Fr Marcus began with a brief story about St Francis, who was such a great lover of the whole of creation, so much so that he referred to the Sun as his brother and the Moon as his Sister. Started with creation, and the first thing there was – The Word, and in all it’s creative joy has brought untold pleasure to countless people throughout all time.
Radio is a good expression of the word, both said and sung, and a wonderful vehicle by which music and dancing is transported to wherever people are. Therefore it is worth giving this new Radio Station God’s Blessing.
Fr Marcus Blessed the Station, and gave thanks for all it could do, he Blessed the presenters, and asked God’s help on all of them to not get their Mords Wuddled, and to choose uplifting music, and he Blessed the community of listeners bound together through the magic of the airways.Cava, nibbles and great company made for am exceedingly good afternoon.
First Chaplaincy Olympics

Fr Marcus and Sandra hosted the Chaplaincy’s first Olympics at their home, supported by some very generous friends. Lots of exciting and sometimes outrageous games, members of different churches across the Chaplaincy came together for the First Church Olympics.
Each game was set to fitting music, and inluded things like: Frozen! Onwards and upwards! Where team members had to thread a frozen water bottle up and down their clothes next to their skin!

Other games included Pass the Dutchie, Too precious to spill, and Budgie Smugglers!

Great fun, good fellowship and marvellous hospitality. The funds raised help the Chaplaincy to cover its costs.

Celebrating 140 Years
Fathers Robin, Marcus, Rodney and Jim all celebrating the anniversaries of ordination at the Wednesday service in the ermita at Javea. About 140 years of experience between them. How great is that.
We are truly Blessed.
The annual meeting of the chaplaincy took place at the El Cid restaurant, with over 70 attending.
All the reports were presented and all the questions were answered. There are a number of changes of officers with Elaine Mitchell elected as secretary, Dennis Johnson as treasurer, Andrew Ramsay as operations officer, and Martin Bentley joins Judi Ramsay as chaplaincy warden. Together with senior chaplain, Fr Marcus they form the Standing Committee under the terms of our constitution. The outgoing officers were all thanked for their work for this enormous parish.
This photo shows the standing committee, together with the clergy.
On Monday April 16th 2018 over 100 of us assembled to welcome Fr Don and Doreen.
Fr Don Witts was licensed, as the new Team Chaplain in the Costa Blanca Anglican Chaplaincy. He has pastoral responsibility for the congregations in Albir, Alfaz del Pi and El Campello.
The beautiful service was conducted by The Rev David Waller, Area Dean, at the Norwegian Seafarers’ Church in Albir. The full complement of clergy joined and took part in this service, and representatives from all 8 worship centres in this enormous parish gave symbols of welcome to Don.
Don is accompanied by his energetic wife Doreen.
We were wowed by the Chaplaincy Singers, who also enhanced our music throughout the service.
The following selection of photos show aspects of the procession and of the service, including the presentations of the symbols of welcome, given by representatives of each church, of the parish as a whole, and by our Norwegian Lutheran host priest in Albir. Hers was a symbol of ecumenism.
The report of the recent Gibraltar Archdeaconry Synod can be read here – Synod Newsletter 2018
We were joined at the Archdeaconry Synod by the Anglican Bishop of Peru, who was given a warm welcome. Representatives of the churches in Spain, Portugal, Morocco and Gibraltar forged a link some years ago with the former Bishop of Peru, Rt Rev Bill Godfrey and have enjoyed visits and fellowship links. When Bishop Bill retired three years ago Bishop Jorge was appointed to Peru and is based in the capital Lima from there he serves his diocese covering the entire country.
Bishop Jorge has been sharing his experiences of a

vastly different Spanish speaking Anglican diocese and is rapidly learning English, so he is well prepared for the Lambeth Conference in 2020. He says he is impressed by the depth of ecumenical links and the way many churches in the Gibraltar Archdeaconry are able to use Roman Catholic churches and participate in shared events.
He spoke about the work of the 38 churches in his diocese and thanked us for our continued support. It was an informative and inspiring presentation, by a man of obvious passion.
Following the conclusion of Synod,

Bishop Jorge spent a few days with the Torrevieja Chaplaincy, where he met with the Bishop of Orihuela-Alicante. Fr Rodney joined Fr Richard of Torrevieja for that meeting, and then brought the bishop back to our Chaplaincy for a few days.
On Wednesday he presided at the weekly mass in Javea this week, unfortuinatelt Fr Jim was unable to celebrate with him, as he is suffering from a bad bout of flu. Fr Rodney con-celebrated.
+Jorge socialised with the congregation, and received an inscribed book, as a gift from Pam Pittar, Local Warden.
After lunch he is meeting with the Franciscan brothers at the men’s refuge at Palma de Gandia. On Thursday he is moving on to Madrid, and then flies home after the weekend.
It has been a pleasure and a privilege to welcome Bishop Jorge among us, and to make our communion with him.