Prayer Archive Year C

Intercessions for Advent Sunday Year C 

Almighty God as the new day dawns on this Advent Sunday, we give thanks for the first glimmers of the light which remind us of the coming of your Son Jesus Christ.

We believe that your light has the power to overcome all our darkness and pray that throughout the Season of Advent we may we share in the mystery of your coming into the world.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Loving God we dedicate to you all of the activities organised by our church during Advent and pray for all who will attend.  Let it be that through prayer, praise and music they may make their own preparations for a Holy Christmas. We thank you for the Quiet Day led by Father Ray and give thanks for the spiritual refreshment it brought all who attended.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

During each Sunday of the Advent season, we focus on one of the four virtues Jesus brings us: Hope, Love, Joy and Peace.

Today our hopes for our troubled world are for an end to terrorism, an end to the war in Syria, the tension in the Baltic States and the r, a resolution to the migrant crisis and a positive outcome in Brexit negotiations.  Come to your world as King of the Nations and before you rulers will stand in silence.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God although we are sometimes separated by language and culture from the people we live amongst, our hope for our community is to see your will done here on earth as it is in heaven. We pray for our neighbours, not only with words, but day by day, that through our actions we might demonstrate our Christian faith in a very real sense.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God we raise before you the ill, the lonely and distressed and especially those without hope for the future. We pray for healing, wholeness and hope in their lives and we pray for ourselves.  Help us to bring life and love, joy and hope, to those who live in despair.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God we remember those who have died and pray for those who are bereaved. May the light of Christ which eternally shines bring hope to their dark places.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Loving God as we go into our Advent journey in faith, we ask you in hope to minister to our needs.

O come, O Come, Emmanuel and fill the hearts of your faithful people and kindle in them the fire of your love.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Second Sunday in Advent Year C 

Mighty God give us faith like John the Baptist, strong enough to believe even in a dessert that you and your kingdom are no farther from us than our hands. Make our heart strong like his, not swayed by trials or snared by false pleasures. Give us the courage to be faithful until your promises are fulfilled.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Holy God as we pursue the many imaginative ways in which our Churches approach Christmas during Advent, help us to understand through them the different truths about God’s amazing love and Grace.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God We pray for those whose responsibility it is to manage the world’s economy, and for those who have difficult ethical decisions to make; we pray for wisdom and courage to do what is right.  We pray for all who are terrorised throughout the world especially where fragile economies and international friendship and understanding are threatened as tourists no longer visit places affected by recent terrorist attacks.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God we pray for those we see and talk to every day or every week; for those we often argue with or misunderstand; for those who brighten our lives and make us smile; for a greater thankfulness and appreciation of those we usually take for granted.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Loving God all the needs of your children are already known to you and so with God-given love we bring to mind those who are suffering physically, spiritually or emotionally, that they may find you there beside them in these dark and painful times.  (add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God, we pray for the dying and those who have passed from this earthly life.

May they know the eternal peace of heaven, and may those who miss them be comforted.

(add names of the recently departed and/or on the Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God, who sent John the Baptist to preach repentance and prepare the way for our salvation: Give us the grace to take heed of his warnings and to turn away from our sinfulness so that we may greet with joy the coming of Jesus Christ our Redeemer.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Third Sunday in Advent Year C 

Mighty God as we contemplate the teaching of John the Baptist on our Advent journey, Give us the courage to be faithful and to “bear fruits worthy of repentance” until your promises are fulfilled.

Help us to look forward in hope to the coming of our Saviour. May we live as he taught, ready to welcome him with burning love and faith.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God we pray for people in parts of the world where life is precarious, whether through terrorism, disaster, poverty, disease, drought, flooding or war. We pray that the time may be hastened when there is peace on earth and goodwill between all people. Especially as we pray for our precious world and we raise before you the Paris Climate Change Conference.  May the decisions that the UN members have made help us all to be good stewards so that we can pass on our world in good order to the generations yet to come.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God as we approach Christmas we so often fail to hear you; we are busy with so much that we go about the things we do as though trapped in household routine, hardly giving a thought to what our lives and the season of Advent are all about. Our spirits grow tired and you, Father God, can seem far away. Help us to hear your voice today and be with us with every gift we buy, every one we wrap and with those who receive and open them.,

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Loving God we thank You for the gift of life and pray for those whose lives are troubled by illness, grief, poverty or injustice. We pray that in the darkness of their suffering and pain Your Advent light will shine to bring them the assurance and hope of the coming of your son Jesus.  We remember at this time those known personally to us and those who have requested our prayers thinking especially of – (add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God, we hold before you those whose memory we cherish and those whose names we will never know. Help us to lift our eyes above the torment of this broken world, and grant us the grace to pray for those who wish us harm. We now commend the departed to your merciful love.

(add names of the recently departed and/or on the Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God, who sent John the Baptist to proclaim the Good News help us as we go from this church to be true heralds of the coming of Christ and to proclaim the Gospel through all we do and say.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Fourth Sunday in Advent Year C 

Everlasting God we share today with Mary and Elizabeth their love and joy as the waiting for Jesus’s birth nears its end. Quieten our hearts and lives so that we can hear your voice amongst the hustle and bustle of everyday life as Christmas approaches.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Holy God we give you thanks for all of our Carol Services, Concerts and Social events that have been held during Advent and we pray that all who have attended will have had a glimpse of the life of the Gospel.  We pray for all of our clergy leading Christmas worship and for our Bishops, Archdeacons and all the staff of The Diocese of Europe back in the UK giving thanks for the work they do for us in the Diocese.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God we pray for our world leaders; for the Royal Families of Great Britain and Spain; for Heads of State in Europe, The Commonwealth and for the United Nations.  We remember before you all those who will spend the Christmas period away from home in conflict in Syria and the Middle East, praying earnestly for an end to war and terrorism.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God give you thanks for our community leaders and for the way that they make our towns and villages so beautiful and bright with colourful lights and decorations at this time of celebration.  Thank you too for the shopkeepers, for their seasonal produce and nativity displays; for hotels, restaurants and bars that provide seasonal and special menus for our delight and for all the staff who serve and cater for us. Help us also to hold in our hearts the less fortunate as we give thanks for the work of Caritas, The Red Cross, The Franciscan Hospice and other charitable and animal rescue groups.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God  we call to mind all those who we know who are struggling with life.  We especially ask for your comfort and healing for all those who are coping with terminal illness and ask you to be close to those who care for them.  We give you thanks for those who have been healed or are in the process of recovery and recuperation.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God  we remember those who have departed this life and thank you for the good that you have worked in their lives.  Comfort  all whose lives are saddened by the death of a loved one, be with them in their loneliness and help them to know that Jesus born in Bethlehem is the light of the world which no darkness can quench.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Son of God your mysterious coming is beyond our understanding. Yet like your holy mother, Mary and her cousin Elizabeth, we pray that you come to us, as you promised. Help us to serve you in any way that we can, knowing that you are with us day by day, through the joys of Christmas and into the uncertainty of the New Year.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Christmas Day Year C 

“Loving Father, help us remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and the worship of the wise men.

Close the door of hate and open the door of love all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting. Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings, and teach us to be merry with clear hearts.

May the Christmas morning make us happy to be Thy children, and the Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.”

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Mighty God we pray for peace in the Holy Land and for all who live in Bethlehem today.

(Short Silence)

Father God , in this season of giving and getting we so easily overlook your gifts to us. Thank you for so many reasons to celebrate especially for our families and friends.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God  we thank you for being with us in life’s trials, draw us closer and teach us to trust you more each day and be especially close to all those who need a prayer of healing in their lives.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God your son Jesus’ radiance filled a lowly manger, give the glory of your resurrection to all who rest in you and the reassurance of your presence with all who mourn their passing.

 (add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Jesus Christ whose star guided the visitors to your birth, guide us as we continue through the season of Christmas and be present with us as we continue to celebrate your holy birth.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for First Sunday of Christmas Year C

Father God, help us to remember that the Christmas story did not end in the stable but continued as Jesus grew into a man, unnoticed by the world until his appearance at the temple which was for him his spiritual home on earth. As this year draws to a close and a New Year begins and with it the next chapter of our lives, help us to grow in faith and wisdom and to recognise your presence with us in all we do and say.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Everlasting God strengthen your church  that we may be a Chaplaincy united in prayer and in practical help and support for one another. We pray for courage, wisdom and guidance to stand up for our faith when it is challenged.  Inspire our Bishops, our ministers and our Chaplaincy and local committees to lead and guide us all in our ministries as we go into 2019.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Loving God, creator and preserver of all mankind, we pray for people of every race, and in every kind of need: make your ways known on earth, your saving power among nations.  We earnestly pray that the coming year will see an end to Militancy and Terrorism and pray for all who are striving to find a peaceful solution to the war in the Middle East.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, we can see in today’s story of Jesus the same problem we so often face; to follow your call whist at the same time pleasing our families and friends. Sometimes we can’t do both so help us to live our lives with care and integrity. Most of all, we thank you for your understanding when we make mistakes and ask for your guidance whenever we face a challenge in the year ahead.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God, you sent the angels sang to sing at the birth of your son in Bethlehem, give the song of the kingdom to all who weep; to the sick and the lonely; the aged and the dying. Give the song of joy to all who are now on the road to recovery and recuperation and the song of thanks to all who helped them on that road (add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Faithful God, we pray for those whose hearts have been saddened by the death of someone close and dear to them, for members of our families who have died and whose anniversary we recall. Help us to experience the comfort of the Holy Spirit within us, and the fellowship of the church family around us until we are reunited once more in your heavenly kingdom. (add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

As we look forward to the year that is ahead, we have faith that God will supply every need of ours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for The Epiphany -Year C

Holy God, , you sent a star to guide the Wise Men to worship your Son Jesus, send your Holy Spirit to guide our Church as we begin a New Year in our Christian life together. Inspire our Church leaders, Justin of Canterbury and Sentamu of York and our Diocesan Bishops Robert and David in all they do for the Anglican Church and for the lead they give to the secular governments in their spheres of influence.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God, as we face the unknown in the coming year at a difficult and painful time for the world. Let the star of your justice always shine in the hearts of the Governments of Europe as they make difficult decisions regarding Brexit.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God Your Son shared the life of his home and family at Nazareth: we give thanks for his presence with us in our homes and in our lives.  Guide us in our relationships with family and neighbours, especially those in trouble or need and bless those who have guided and enriched our own lives.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Loving God, we pray for all those whom we love who suffer in body, mind or spirit. May their pain be eased and may they find the strength to endure. Comfort them with your presence and help them to hold on to the knowledge that your son understood the truth of human suffering.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God, we pray for all who are coming to the end of their journey here on earth and pray that they may enter into your presence and kingdom. We pray for all those who already died and live again with you in the fullness of life eternal.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God as we begin a new year, remind us of the things that are truly important and worthwhile. Help us to live in the goodness that comes from doing what you want us to do. Help us to put aside anxiety about the future and the past so that we might live in peace with you now, one day at a time.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Creator God and Holy Spirit who in the beginning hovered over the waters and at Jesus’ baptism descended in the form of a dove, come to us, open our hearts and minds, so that we too may hear your life-giving word and be renewed by the power of the spirit.

Intercessions for The Baptism of Christ -Year C

Mighty God , Lord of life, we thank you for the moments in history which have pointed towards the mystery of baptism: especially Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan River, when you opened the door of heaven to proclaim him to be your beloved son and sent the Holy Spirit down upon him.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Everlasting God we pray for all baptised Christians throughout the world especially for those preparing for Baptism and for the Confirmation here in our Church. We raise before you for the candidates, parents, sponsors and godparents and  pray that they be given the grace, courage and perseverance to faithfully keep the promises they will make.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God we pray for peace and integrity in all negotiations in international conflicts; and especially for Brexit and peace in the Middle East. Hear the cries of the people of the world who have never known peace; bring healing to those suffering from the violence of terrorism and comfort those mourning the dead.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, your Son shared the life of his home and family at Nazareth: we give thanks for his presence with us in our homes and in our lives.  Guide us in our relationships with family and neighbours, especially those in trouble or need and bless those who have guided and enriched our own lives.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God we pray for the sick who because of their weariness or pain find it difficult to pray; may they be aware of our prayer on their behalf and accept graciously the support and love of their families and friends within the  Church and the wider community. (add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence) (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God  we pray for those who are dying and those who have already completed their life here on earth; may they rest in peace and rise in glory (add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list) (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God and Holy Spirit who in the beginning hovered over the waters and at Jesus’ baptism descended in the form of a dove, come to us, open our hearts and minds, so that we too may hear your life-giving word and be renewed by the power of the spirit.

Holy God  we, thank you for helping us to pray; deepen our appreciation of your creation so that as we go about our busy lives through this coming week we may do it with eyes wide open to the richness and colour of our surroundings and the vibrant variety of the people we live amongst.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for The Second Sunday of Epiphany -Year C–17th  January 2016

Gracious God your Son Jesus began his ministry at a wedding celebration and through the miracle of the wine showed us the abundance of your wonderful love for us.  May Jesus continue to transform the water of our every day lives into the new wine of your kingdom on earth, transforming by his love the ordinary into the extra-ordinary.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Holy God we thank you for the ministry of marriage the we carry out here in the Costa Blanca as our Chaplains perform blessing of civil marriage, thanksgivings for anniversaries and renewals of marriage vows. May those so blessed grow old together in the knowledge that the best wine is saved till last and that Jesus is their companion on their journey through life together.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Father God, we pray for our world and the problems faced by so many of your children. We pray for all who live under the threat of war and terrorism and the poverty which comes in its wake  Govern the hearts and minds of all world leaders and those in authority, that they may act justly, honestly and according to your will.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Father God we pray for those we know who will be married during the coming year; be with them as they make their plans and give them patience and understanding when things are difficult. In their growing love for each other may they come to know you as the source of all love and help them to rejoice in their shared memories of joy and laughter, sadness and disappointment.  

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Loving God we pray for those who have rejected you because they are ill and blame you for their afflictions.  Help them to see the reality of your desire of wholeness and health for them.  Enable all who are sick to pray for help for themselves and to give thanks for those who care for them. (add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Mighty God, through your son you have freed us from the grip of the tomb. We pray for those who have departed this life and ask you, through your loving kindness, to have mercy on their souls.  We pray too for those bereaved by their passing. (add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Creator God and Holy Spirit who in the beginning hovered over the waters and at Jesus’ baptism descended in the form of a dove, come to us, open our hearts and minds, so that we too may hear your life-giving word and be renewed by the power of the spirit.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for The Third Sunday of Epiphany 

Gracious God your Son Jesus began his ministry at a wedding celebration and through the miracle of the wine showed us the abundance of your wonderful love for us.  May Jesus continue to transform the water of our every day lives into the new wine of your kingdom on earth, transforming by his love the ordinary into the extra-ordinary.

At this time of year we pray for the success of the Archdeaconry Synod to be held at Torrevieja on February  5th to 8th and the Local and Chaplaincy APCM’s being held in the coming weeks.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Holy God we thank you for the ministry of marriage that we carry out here in the Costa Blanca as our Chaplains perform the blessing of civil marriage, thanksgivings for anniversaries and renewals of marriage vows. May those so blessed grow old together in the knowledge that the best wine is saved till last and that Jesus is their companion on their journey through life together.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, we pray for our world and the problems faced by so many of your children. We pray for all who live under the threat of war and terrorism and the poverty which comes in its wake.  Govern the hearts and minds of all world leaders and those in authority, that they may act justly, honestly and according to your will.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, we pray for those we know who will be married during the coming year; be with them as they make their plans and give them patience and understanding when things are difficult. In their growing love for each other may they come to know you as the source of all love and help them to rejoice in their shared memories of joy and laughter, sadness and disappointment.  

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Loving God we pray for those who have rejected you because they are ill and blame you for their afflictions.  Help them to see the reality of your desire for wholeness and health for them.  Enable all who are sick to pray for help for themselves and to give thanks for those who care for them. (add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Mighty God, through your son you have freed us from the grip of the tomb. We pray for those who have departed this life and ask you, through your loving kindness, to have mercy on their souls.  We pray too for those bereaved by their passing. (add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Faithful God as we go out into the world we pray that we may reflect your love in our families, our church and our community; so that the world can witness that we are followers of Christ and draw others into his loving care.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for The Fourth Sunday of Epiphany 

Everlasting God, we thank you for welcoming us in love, hear us as we pray for the good of the church, the world and for all in need.

Faithful God, as our Gospel shows us the preaching Christ, we pray for all who preach your word week by week in our Chaplaincy and in the worldwide church. Inspire them in their ministry as the lead and grow us as disciples and as they reach out to those in need in our communities. At this time of year, we pray for the success of the Archdeaconry Synod to be held at Torrevieja February 4th to 8th  and the Local and Chaplaincy APCM’s

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Creator, God of every land and nation you spoke your word and revealed your good news in Jesus Christ. We pray for our troubled world its peoples and their leaders. We pray for those caught up in war and violence, especially the innocent victims of evil and destructive act of terrorism.  May peace be found and good sense flourish that we may see injustice and wrong vanquished.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Holy God, although we are sometimes separated by language and culture from the people we live amongst, we long to see your will done here on earth as it is in heaven. We pray for our neighbours, not only with words but day by day, moment by moment, in the things we do and the way we do them.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Abundant God, be with those of us that desire and need your restoration and healing. As we remember the way your son Jesus Christ cast out demons we remember today all those who live in the depths of depression and mental illness. Today, we ask for your blessing and healing touch upon them

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Merciful God, your love reaches beyond the grave. At the end of our days on earth be with us and with those we love. May those who have gone before us rest in your eternal peace.  We remember before you those who have died and we pray for all whose life is saddened by the death of a loved one, be with them in their loneliness

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Faithful God, we pray for ourselves; as we go from your house today to start the week ahead, we ask that in all we do, we may we walk more closely with you at our side safe in the knowledge that your fatherly love and care knows no bounds.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for the Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas) – February 3rd  2019

Faithful God, we thank you for the example of Simeon and Anna, and their faithful service and witness, for their patient waiting for Christ to be revealed. Help us to serve you faithfully and patiently, watching for you to be revealed in our own lives.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Holy God as we remember the older and retired people in our churches, we give you thanks for all that they do in our Sunday worship, in our church fellowship and in our communities. Send your Holy Spirit to inspire them to use and share their life experiences with wisdom, humility and gladness.

We pray for all those attending this year’s Synod in Torrevieja next week.  May they enjoy the fellowship and be encouraged and enlightened by the speakers and travel and return in safety.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Lord God we pray for all who work for peace and unity, and for all world leaders that they will continue to seek for an end to the suffering caused by war and violence, injustice and inequality, disease and prejudice, poverty and hopelessness and bring healing to the world.  We pray especially for those fighting terrorism in Syria and for peace in the Holy Land.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, we pray for our Chaplaincy communities, that each of us will make use of our individual talents enabling each church group to flourish as a witness to the “One Body” of the church.  Help us to spread the warmth of Your love to everyone we meet.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God, we pray for the work and service of all care homes and day centres for elderly and sick people, and for the charity organisations and shops who raise money to help. We pray for all finding their life painful, lonely or uncertain, especially those who are ill or vulnerable.  Help them to sense your comfort in times of need and bless their families and carers.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful Lord, your love reaches beyond the grave. At the end of our days on earth be with us and with those we love. May those who have gone before us rest in your eternal peace.  We remember before you those who have died and we pray for all whose life is saddened by the death of a loved one, be with them in their loneliness

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Everlasting God, we pray for ourselves; as we go from this church today to start the week ahead, we ask that in all we do, we may we walk more closely with you at our side safe in the knowledge that your fatherly love and care knows no bounds.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Fourth Sunday before Lent

Holy God, whenever we fail to care for our brothers and sisters throughout creation, the way is opened to destruction, and hearts are hardened.  We recognise our responsibility to encourage and uphold one another and to live together in peace and love. We also recognise our needs and our human weaknesses and come to you now with our prayers and petitions

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Gracious God, we thank you for this year’s Synod in Torrevieja; for times of laughter and joy; for a renewal of spiritual awareness; for allowing all to grow together in knowledge and understanding of the structure of your Church.  We pray that all who took part, organisers, speakers, delegates and visitors may return to their Chaplaincies willing to teach and share with others all that was learned together.


Gracious God, thank you that you call some of us to be apostles, sent out to do your work.  We pray for all who respond “Here I am Lord” when they hear you call. We pray also for those who have a ministry in their daily lives of work, family life or community, who daily bear witness to the gospel in all that they say or do.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Creator God thank you for our world and the places where we live. Help us all to be mindful that we are all created equal in your sight and accept our deep regret that despite this there is still so much inequality to be found. Help us to remember that you want us to be good stewards of your creation, living responsibly in the lands and seas of the earth.  May all future growth be sustainable and may we ensure that its abundance is fairly shared for the good of all.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Father God Lord, help us to use our influence within our families and communities to bring peace, joy and fun into people’s lives, instead of stirring up strife. Help us be reliable and honest in what we do, and friendly to all who we meet in our daily lives.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Loving God, friend of those in need, your Son Jesus can free us from our burdens and heal our bodies and spirits. We pray for those still burdened, those seeking healing, those in need within the church and the world.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Merciful God when death separates from us those we love and we find it hard to live without them, take from us all bitterness and resentment and help us to remember that death has no power at all over the peace you give and that the love we shared with our departed loved ones goes beyond the grave.

 (add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Everlasting God in the weeks ahead help us to conduct our lives with dignity, always giving and expecting respect, always praying before taking action and following each action with prayerful thanksgiving.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Third Sunday before Lent

Holy God, help us to hold high the standard of your teaching, even when it is hard to apply it to our modern way of life.  May we strive to never lower your standards, or to change what you teach, but to pray diligently for a realistic understanding of what you want for us in every aspect of our lives.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Gracious God, we pray for your blessing to be upon this congregation, upon this church and upon our Chaplaincy; and for your presence to be seen vividly in what we do and say each day. We pray that your joy and your love will flow freely in and through us and that we might never be seen by those around us as falling short of the teachings of Jesus Christ our Lord.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Creator God, drive away despair from our politics, revive our dreams of justice and truth, and restore our passion for what is good and right.  Establish your just and gentle rule throughout the world especially where there is conflict; where peace seems so far away and so many have lost everything, even the faint hope of a peaceful future.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Father God, we pray for our Chaplaincy communities, that each of us will make use of our individual talents enabling each church group to flourish as a witness to the “One Body” of the church.  As we approach the time of the Local and Chaplaincy APCM ’s stir up the desire in all of us to serve where appropriate and to attend these important gatherings in order that your gospel may be effectively taken out into every part of the Costa Blanca and beyond.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Loving God, we ask for your healing touch on all who are ill or suffering.  We especially pray for any we know who are experiencing emotional pain or are broken in spirit through personal or family problems.

 (add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Merciful God, give courage and faith to those who are bereaved, that by casting their cares on you they may find the strength to face the days ahead.

 (add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Everlasting God, send us out into the world, renewed by our worship and strengthened by our fellowship so that we may be a testament to the Gospel of your son Jesus Christ and determined to bring healing and reconciliation to our wounded world.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Second Sunday before Lent

Holy God, sometimes our lives are so full of worries that we forget how you look after us through every aspect of our lives. When our worries begin to spiral out of control, help us turn them into a conversation with you, confident that you will calm our anxiety and give us hope for the future.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Gracious God we pray for your church, and the churches in our local community asking that there will be a growing desire to get together. We give you thanks for those who come up with fresh ways of making your name known to the wider community. We remember the General Synod, which met this last week in London and for all those who work so hard to make important and sometimes difficult decisions regarding the everyday running of the Church of England.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Creator God we pray for our Queen and her family as she reached the 67th anniversary of her ascension to the throne.  Give them health and strength, wisdom and courage, so that they may carry out their many duties in the best interests of all our people. We remember too King  Felipe here in Spain and all in government praying that they always remember that they are your servants and that your Son came to serve rather than to be served.


Mighty God, we pray for peace in our world. May all lands that suffer violence and injustice find peace and reconciliation. We pray for the peoples of the world and all who offer their services in the leadership of the affairs of the world that they may uphold what is right and good. We pray particularly at this time for peace in all places where there is violence, war and terrorism.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Father God, we thank you for the joy of human love, and for all those among whom we live and work. We pray particularly for loved ones who worry us with their health, or circumstances, or life direction. We pray for those among our friends and families who do not know you, or whose faith has been shaken.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Loving God, we pray for all who bear the burdens of pain, bereavement, worry and depression. We pray for those whose illness stems from anxiety. We pray that they may have an awareness of your presence and an understanding that you are bearing those burdens with them and always working towards their healing and wholeness.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Merciful God through your love and mercy you turn the darkness of death into the dawn of new life. Comfort those who grieve in their sorrow and those who are worried about how they will cope on their own and reassure them that you will never leave them to carry the burdens of life unaided.

 (add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Everlasting God, we ask you to lead us into the coming week, Help us to believe that you are close by us, keep us from making mistakes and help us never to disappoint you through our words and actions.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Sunday next before Lent

Holy God we are all companions on a spiritual journey and so as we travel together, let us pray together.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Loving God, bless and guide our ministers and leaders as we enter the Lenten season of penitence and discipline, help us to be alive to your Spirit, who searches all our hearts and renews our lives as we offer our faith and obedience. We especially pray for the Ash Wednesday Services at Campello and Gandia, the Four Lenten lunches on March 6th, March 20th, April 3rd and April 17th at Javeas and this year’s Lent course at the home of Andrew & Kathy Johnson starting on 6th March.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Mighty God, we pray for our troubled world and national leaders as they live through conflicts and struggle with terrorism. We think of all the tourist destinations which are now no-go areas and pray for all those who livelihoods are threatened as foreign visitors stay away.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, we pray for the families and communities we represent asking that we may have a spirit of generosity, respect and understanding at all times and may we always be able to help each other just as you love and help us.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Almighty God,  we place into your gentle hands those who are sick especially ….

(add names of those requesting prayer)

Ease their pain, and heal the damage done to them in body, mind or spirit. Be with them through the support of their friends, families, doctors and nurses and help them to be aware that they are surrounded with the prayers of the faithful.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God,  we remember with thanksgiving before you those who have died in Christ and those whose faith is known to you alone. Be especially close to those they have left behind as they journey to the New Jerusalem.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Faithful God in the week that lies before us may we reflect your love in the way that we live our lives so that the world can see that we are followers of Christ and by our words and actions draw others into his loving care.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for the First Sunday of Lent

Gracious God you call us to worship today and remind us that Jesus refused the temptation to worship the evil one.  Rather than receive the glorious kingdoms of this world, he endured first, the time in the wilderness and ultimately the pain and suffering of the cross.  Help us during our Lenten journey to fix our eyes on him and daily pick up our own crosses.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Holy God we pray for all of our Lent activities here in the Costa Blanca and for all of the special services and those preparing, presenting and assisting.  May they all lead us together, in our eight churches, to a Holy Easter and a joyful celebration of the Resurrection.

We give you thanks for the Ministry of women in the Church; especially as on the 12th March we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the first 32 women who were ordained as Church of England priests in Bristol Cathedral.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Almighty God Your son Jesus was offered all the kingdoms of the world and their authority and splendour if he would worship the devil rather than you.  Help those who govern and rule those nations today to resist the temptation to use evil, violent and corrupt ways to bring about their personal desires rather than ruling with justice, mercy and benevolence.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Loving God, help us during this penitential season to follow the commands of Jesus and to fast cheerfully.  May we demonstrate the joy of our Christian faith to all our family, friends and neighbours.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God, friend of those in need, your Son Jesus can free us from our burdens and heal our bodies and spirits. We pray for those still burdened, those seeking healing, those in need within the church and the world. We pray too for those suffering from addiction of any kind and ask that you help them to put the temptation of Satan and the world behind them. (add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, we pray for all who have died; especially those who encouraged us in our faith by their example. As we pray for them, may they, in turn, continue to pray for us that we may stay true to our faith.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Faithful God, you have taught us to overcome our sins by prayer, fasting, and works of mercy. When, during the coming weeks of Lent, we are discouraged by our weakness, give us confidence in your love to help us through to the glories of Easter.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for the Second Sunday of Lent

Mighty God, you spoke to your servant Abram telling him not to be afraid; to use you as his shield and to expect a great reward.  Help us in our times of fear and worry, and constantly remind us of the reward of everlasting life that we can expect through faith in your son Jesus Christ.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Almighty God, help us as a church to avoid the temptations of the world and dilute the Gospel message and to recognise that a watered-down gospel has tragic results which are eternal.  May we all join in imitating St Paul, and live according to the example set to us by the life of Jesus.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God, as we pray for the world, its peoples and leaders, especially those places trouble by disaster, natural or man-made. We thank you for all of the wonders of the world which belongs to you but was given into our care at the beginning of time.  Help us to be good stewards, always mindful of the tragic consequences of our lack of care.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, the psalmist tells us to “seek your face” in the people who we live amongst.  May they too, as they look upon us, see something of you and of your son Jesus Christ shining from us.  Make us always a beacon of faith as we live the gospel out in all our words and actions.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God, we raise before you those we know and love who are ill or in need at this time and we pray for all who care for them at home or in hospital.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God we pray for those who have died especially those who have died recently and for all who mourn their passing.. May they rest in peace and rise in glory.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Loving God as we go out into the world today help us to resist temptation, remembering that your son was tempted by the world and the devil but chose faithfulness over popularity, service above fame and sacrifice instead of power.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for the Third Sunday of Lent

Almighty God, help us to thirst for you, first and foremost in our lives and recognise that your loving-kindness is better than life itself. Bearing this amazing love in mind we raise our hearts and voices to proclaim and sing your praise.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Faithful God, we pray for the Church, that through its prayers, actions and public statements it may continue to work towards a world where all are free from the pain of hunger and the terror of war. Help us to be true disciples of Jesus, living the gospel and bringing social change in an unjust world. Give us the courage to challenge unfair trade rules and pray for those who have the power to make far-reaching decisions affecting the world’s poor.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God, we pray for world leaders, that they may be inspired to work together to tackle the causes of poverty, injustice and ignorance that lead to such horrendous violence as seen recently in Christchurch, and to use their power, not for their own glory but for the good of all, and peace for all, whatever the creed, colour or gender.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, we pray for ourselves, that we may have the courage to be witnesses to the power of sharing and to the values of the global community.  As we eat and drink, help us to pray for those who have laboured to bring the food to our table. Fill our hearts with compassion for our brothers and sisters around the world, so that we acknowledge our common humanity and dignity.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Loving God, help us to love more generously and speak up more loudly for those who are treated unjustly.  We pray for people in our own community – those who live on very little, children who are vulnerable and older people who are lonely. We pray for those who are in unwell and for those who are of special concern to us at this time

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful Lord, you son Jesus Christ wept at the grave of Lazarus his friend.  Be with us in our mourning as we pray for all who are coming to the end of their journey here on earth and for all those who have died and now rejoice in the fullness of eternal life.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God, as we go out into the world, help us to live in the warmth of your love, to listen to the cries of hurt, to speak words of compassion and to know that we are surrounded by an eternal God.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Mothering Sunday 

Holy God, during Lent we come to you aware that we are not prepared for the awesome Easter message of Christ’s suffering and death and his glorious victory of the resurrection. So help us as we offer of intercession and thanksgiving to truly understand the tremendous gift of Easter.

Today on Mothering Sunday we give thanks for our Church and earthy families and especially pray for our Mother churches where we first got to know you and our saviour Jesus Christ.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Loving God, we come before you today aware of how you call us to be like you.  We remember that you made us in your own image and that you gave to us mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, people to love, enjoy and work for and people to pray for and we are thankful.  As we think about our family, help us to remember our own sinfulness before you and how you forgive it and so make us, within our families and the wider world, to be messengers of your reconciling love.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God, we pray for those who are in need of a healing touch today; for children who are hungry ; for families threatened by war or insurrection; for the sister who is very ill; for the father who soon will be dwelling in your kingdom; for the prodigal who left home in haste leaving behind uncertain parents; for the mother who is living in a house of fear.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Everlasting God, we remember before you those who brought us into this world, raised and cherished us and made us what we are today especially those who we love but see no longer and we ask that you be close to all those who are grieving today over the loss of a loved one.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, our heartfelt prayer today, is but this, bless our family, and help us be a blessing to it. Touch all those who are mothers to us or to others. Anoint with your healing goodness our brothers and our sisters, Smile upon our children and help them to grow.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for the Fifth  Sunday of Lent

Everlasting God, you call us to your service and so we ask that you make us worthy of your calling; and to hear us as we intercede and give thanks to you through Jesus Christ your Son.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Holy God,  as we gather for worship in a place that is not ours but given over to us by another denomination we thank you for our Ecumenical partners in the mission of the Christian Church Worldwide; teach us all to serve you as you deserve, putting aside sectarianism whilst healing any divisions that keep us on the path towards your kingdom.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God, we pray for the nations of the world and for their right dealing one with another.  May barriers of race and colour be broken down and political freedom established where there is oppression and suppression of new ideas.  We pray for educational development and for a more just economic structure which pays people fairly for their labour.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, we thank you that no matter how widely spread throughout the world our families may be, our hearts may be joined together in prayer.  We also thank you for the many means of modern technological communication that enable us to keep so closely in touch with those we love, which means we not only hear our loved ones but also see them.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God, look mercifully upon those whose lives have been shattered by illness

Help them and those who care for them to be freed from resentment and give them the strength to seek your will, whatever it might be, in every situation.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God, we remember the slenderness of the thread which separates life from death and the suddenness with which it can be broken. Help us also to remember that whatever occurs in life we are surrounded by your love.  Help those bereaved by the loss of a loved one to find in your love peace and reassurance.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Eternal God, giver of love and power, your Son Jesus Christ has sent us into all the world

to preach the gospel of his kingdom: confirm us in this mission, and help us to live the good news we proclaim in all that we do and say.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Palm Sunday

(Intercessions are taken from Passiontide and Holy Week – Common Worship Seasonal Material)

Let us pray to the Father, who loved the world so much that he sent his only Son to give us life.  Simon from Cyrene was forced to carry the cross for your Son.  Give us grace to lift heavy loads from those we meet and to stand with those condemned to die.

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Your Son watched the soldiers gamble to share his clothes. Transform the hearts of those who make a profit from their victims, and those whose hearts are hardened by their work.

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

The thief, who was crucified with Jesus, was promised a place in your kingdom. Give pardon and hope, healing and peace to all who look death in the face.

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

From the cross, Jesus entrusted Mary his mother and John his disciple to each other’s care.  Help us also to care for one another and fill our homes with the spirit of your love.

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

In Mary and John, your Son created a new family at the cross.  Fill our relationships, and those of new families today, with mutual care and responsibility, and give us a secure hope for the future.

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

The centurion was astonished to see your glory in the crucified Messiah.  Open the eyes of those who do not know you to see in your Son the meaning of life and death.

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Joseph of Arimathaea came to take your Son’s body away.  Give hope and faith to the dying and bereaved,  and gentleness to those who minister to them.

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Simon and Joseph, Mary and John became part of your Church in Jerusalem.  Bring into your Church today a varied company of people, to walk with Christ in the way of his passion and to find their salvation in the victory of his cross.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen


[We stand with Christ in his suffering.]

For forgiveness for the many times, we have denied Jesus,

let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy.

For grace to seek out those habits of sin which mean spiritual death, and by prayer and self-discipline to overcome them,

let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy.

For Christian people, that through the suffering of disunity there may grow a rich union in Christ,

let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy.

For those who make laws, interpret them,  and administer them,  that our common life may be ordered in justice and mercy,

let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy.

For those who still make Jerusalem a battleground,

let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy.

For those who have the courage and honesty to work openly for justice and peace,

let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy.

For those in the darkness and agony of isolation,  that they may find support and encouragement,

let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy.

For those who, weighed down with hardship,  failure, or sorrow, feel that God is far from them,

let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy.

For those who are tempted to give up the way of the cross,

let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy.

That we, with those who have died in faith,  may find mercy in the day of Christ,

let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy.

Holy God, holy and strong, holy and immortal, have mercy upon us.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Maundy Thursday

At the Passover Feast Jesus was acutely aware that his hour had come to depart from this world and go to the Father.

We pray for all who are approaching death and ask you to welcome them into paradise reunited with all who have left this world before them.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

 Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer

Judas Iscariot, taken over by the devil, took the opportunity to betray Jesus for money. We pray for all who turn to crime and violence rather than taking up honest and worthwhile work and we remember before God those who have been imprisoned for their crime praying that they will turn away from a sinful life upon release.

(Short Silence)

 Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer

During supper Jesus took water and a towel and acting as a servant washed his disciple’s feet.  We pray for all who serve, especially those who have to do menial and unsavoury tasks.  Help us never to take those who serve us in the world for granted.

(Short Silence)

 Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer

During the meal Jesus inaugurated the Sacrament of Holy Communion.  We pray that every time we celebrate the Eucharist we remember his passion and the sacred mysteries of his body and blood. Help us never through familiarity to allow the words and actions of our Communion make us apathetic to the true cost of his love and always to surprise us afresh each time we meet him at the Holy Table.

(Short Silence)

 Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer

At the end of the meal Jesus gave to us the new commandment to love one another as he loved us.  We give thanks for the love that we share with our families and friends and all of our neighbour’s in Christ and that through such love we can be clearly seen as friends disciples of Jesus.

(Short Silence)

 Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer

After the supper was ended Jesus sang hymns and prayed with his disciples.  We give you thanks for all who lead our worship; or our bishops, priests, deacons and readers; for choirs and organists and music groups; for all who write and lead intercessions and for those who do all of the other things that make our worship meaningful and God centred.

(Short Silence)

 Lord in your mercy, Hear our Prayer.

As we leave this service on the eve of Jesus’ Crucifixion mindful of the death that he was about to undergo help us to be aware that it was for us that he hung and suffered there.  May we prove our love for him by giving ourselves to him and serving him every day of our lives.

Intercessions for Good Friday 

Let us pray for the Church of God throughout the world: for unity in faith, in witness and in service, for bishops and other ministers, and those whom they serve, for Robert and David, our bishops, and the people of The Diocese of Europe, for all Christians in the Costa Blanca, for those to be baptized, for those who are mocked and persecuted for their faith, that God will confirm his Church in faith, increase it in love, and preserve it in peace.

Short Silence

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for the nations of the world and their leaders: for Elizabeth our Queen and the Parliaments of the UK, King Felipe the King of Spain and his Government, for those who administer the law and all who serve in public office, for all who strive for justice and reconciliation, that by God’s help the world may live in peace and freedom.

Short Silence

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for God’s ancient people, the Jews, the first to hear his word: for greater understanding between Christian and Jew, for the removal of our blindness and bitterness of heart, that God will grant us grace to be faithful to his covenant and to grow in the love of his name

Short Silence

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for those who do not believe the gospel of Christ: for those who have not heard the message of salvation, for all who have lost faith, for the contemptuous and scornful, for those who are enemies of Christ and persecute those who follow him, for all who deny the faith of Christ crucified, that God will open their hearts to the truth and lead them to faith and obedience

Short Silence

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for all those who suffer: for those who are deprived and oppressed, for all who are sick, for those in darkness, in doubt and in despair, in loneliness and in fear, for prisoners, captives and refugees, for the victims of false accusations and violence, for all at the point of death and those who watch beside them, that God in his mercy will sustain them with the knowledge of his love.  

Short Silence

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

Let us commend ourselves and all God’s children to his unfailing love, and pray for the grace of a holy life, that, with all who have died in the peace of Christ, we may come to the fullness of eternal life and the joy of the resurrection.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Easter Sunday

Christ is Risen, and the power of His resurrection fills the world today with new life, hope and expectation and so we bring him all our needs.

Faithful God, we think of your church today celebrating the Resurrection all over the world. Language race and nationalities may be different but our worship and our joy on the Day Of Resurrection make us one in the Gospel  We pray that The Holy Spirit may guide and strengthen us in mission and service praying that day by day we may grow in love for you and for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Mighty God, we pray for the leaders of the nations of the world that they may give priority to those with the greatest need in the distribution of the world’s basic resources. We especially pray on this special day, for peace in the world and for countries where there are war and conflict

We remember today those involved in the fight against terrorism around the world and for all service personnel in active duty around the world.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, at this joyful Eastertide we pray for our families and friends especially for those joining us here on the Costa Blanca during the Easter Holidays.  We thank you too for the joy of sending and receiving Easter cards and messages of love.  Thank you too for modern communication systems which bring our loved ones so close even when we are separated by great distances.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God, we pray for those who are in need and ask you to look with pity on those who suffer. We pray for the broken-hearted , for the sick, for the lonely that your very presence would comfort them in their time of need.

We especially pray for all those within our Chaplaincy who have asked for our prayers………..

(add names of those requesting prayer)

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God, we pray that those who have recently died may one day share in the promise of new life won for us all by the resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ and his triumph over death and the grave.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Faithful God, as we go out into the world we pray that we may reflect your love in our families, our church and our community; so that the world can witness that we are followers of Christ and draw others into his loving care.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Low Sunday, Easter 2

Everlasting God, as Jesus appeared in the locked room to show his disciples the beginning of a new world, draw us closer so that we, like Thomas, can examine the wounded hands and feet of Jesus in order to know and understand the depth of his love for us.  Let us therefore approach the throne of God in confidence as we pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus, and for all people according to their needs.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Gracious God look down with love upon our Church here in the Costa Blanca Chaplaincy as day by day we struggle to be a body worthy of Jesus’ name, an Easter People.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Creator God, we raise before you our world, especially praying for peace, reconciliation and healing in the places of war, hatred and terrorism. We pray that the nations of this world may be united and subject to the rule of the Risen Christ, through whom and for whom all things were created.  We pray for Phillipe VI, King of Spain and Elizabeth, Queen of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions; may their rules be guided and influenced by the example set by your son who lives and reigns as King of Kings.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Loving God, your Son remained with his disciples after his resurrection, teaching them to love all their neighbours as themselves. As his disciples in the Costa Blanca, we offer our prayers on behalf of the Spanish Communities where we are privileged to live and our friends and neighbours with whom we interact day by day.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Almighty God we pray for all who are sick and for all who are in hospital that they may be aware that the Lord is with them in their troubles.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Loving God, surround all who mourn this day with your continuing compassion. Do not let grief overwhelm those who are bereaved, or turn them against you. When grief seems never-ending, take them one step at a time along the journey of death and resurrection.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Father God, you have called us to follow you. As you hear our prayers make us faithful in responding to your call.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Third Sunday of Easter

Mighty God, your Son revealed himself again and again and convinced his disciples of his glorious resurrection.  Help us to feel his risen presence so we can lovingly feed his sheep, and care for the lambs of his flock here in the Chaplaincy of the Holy Spirit in the Costa Blanca.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God, we thank you for the example of leadership given to us by your Son, Jesus Christ, in his life on earth and how, in a very practical sense, he showed his followers a new way to fish. We pray for the peoples of the world who are learning to do new things with their lives and we continue to pray that such changes will hasten the day when all of your world have enough of the basic essentials and comforts of life.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Almighty God, you have called us to follow in the way of your risen Son, and to care for those who are our companions, not only with words but with acts of love.  As we seek to be true friends of all, we pray for our families, our friends and our neighbours especially in areas where there are problems with our relationships.  Let us always be the ones to make the first steps towards reconciliation.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God, we remember this morning those who are sick, sad or lonely and those who are brave and patient when things are going wrong. We pray that they may be aware of your comforting presence and know that in your hands they are safe and loved.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God, through the glorious resurrection of your son Jesus Christ you have freed us from the grip of the tomb. We pray for those who have departed this life and ask You, through your loving kindness, to have mercy on their souls.  We pray too for those bereaved by their passing.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Lord, at the start of this new week, help us to be an example to others.  Show us, as you did with your fishermen friends, the practical steps we need to take so that we can change the ways in which we do things and so develop consistency and integrity in all that we do in our lives.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Fourth Sunday of Easter

Good Shepherd, lead us through our daily lives, especially when we walk through the wilderness times, to those green pastures where we might feed on your abundant provision.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Good Shepherd, save us from ourselves and our persistence in doing the same “wrong” things over and over again, expecting different results. We go fishing every day and we fail to notice you waiting with a meal on the beach.  We say we love you, and yet so often we neglect your sheep.

Help us to hear and respond when you say, “Follow Me.” Help us to be Good Shepherds in our lives and be a true reflection of you.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Good Shepherd we pray for those in positions of authority and leadership; that they do not misuse their powers but respect and care for all their peoples and for the natural resources of their countries.  Help us to learn from one another’s cultures and respect one another’s differences.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Good Shepherd as we reflect on Peter’s healing of the seamstress Dorcas we give thanks for all those pursuing craft activities throughout our churches and the valuable and ongoing fundraising function that they fulfil.  We remember too that Jesus himself was a carpenter and so we also pray for all those who work with their hands to maintain and improve our homes and churches.

“As the pieces come together, help us to sew seams that are straight so that nothing tears apart or unravels; and when it does, show us where and how to patch with just the right touch.”

The Seamstress’s Prayer by Jay Hanley

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Good Shepherd, within your embrace we find comfort and healing. We bring to you those who are weak or struggling with physical, mental or spiritual health. You are the great healer, and we pray for healing of mind and body for those we now name in the silence of our hearts.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Good Shepherd, you watch over us; leading us through the barren places, to the place of your safety, that we might gladly lie down in peace. Be especially close to all those who through the loss of a loved one is now in a barren place; give them comfort and reassurance and help them to remember that your son Jesus Christ put an end to death by dying for us.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Good Shepherd, support us by your grace through all the hours of life’s day: until the shadows lengthen, the busy world is hushed, the fever of life is over, and the evening comes. Then, Lord, in your mercy, grant us a safe lodging, a holy rest, and peace at the last; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Fifth Sunday of Easter

Holy God we come before you with thanksgiving for all your mercy and grace and we give thanks for the beauty and wonder of the world around us as we bring to your our prayers of intercession and thanksgiving.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Almighty God we pray today for your blessing to be upon our congregation, upon our church and upon our Chaplaincy. May your presence be seen vividly in all that we do and say each day. We pray that your joy and your love will flow freely in and through us and that we might never be a temptation to those around us.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Creator God, St. John gave us a vision of a new heaven and a new earth.  We pray for those parts of the world which badly need renewal.  Inspire and instruct our world leaders to constantly work for that day when all the world’s peoples may enjoy security, peace and a decent standard of living.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Faithful God  your son Jesus said “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” In our worship today, we testify to God’s love shown perfectly in Christ and we re-commit ourselves to love one another as a community of faith.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Gracious God, in your great mercy comfort and relieve those who are sick, injured, aged or distressed and according to their needs, enable them to draw strength from you and know that you are with them in all their troubles.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Loving God we pray for those, saddened by the death of a loved one, for members of our families who have died and whose anniversary we recall. Help us to draw comfort from the Holy Spirit and the fellowship of our church family. We remember now before God those who have died or whose anniversaries of passing fall at his time

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Forth in the peace of Christ we go; Christ to the world with joy we bring; Christ in our minds, Christ on our lips,  Christ in our hearts, the world’s true King. (James Quinn “Hymns Old and New”, 142.)

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Sixth Sunday of Easter

Everlasting God, you made the world and everything in it, we pray with one voice, proclaiming your presence to all the earth.  Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you and give thanks for all wonders of your marvellous creation.

We pray for our Bishops Robert and David and for Archdeacon Geoffrey, that they will be guided in their ministry by the influence of the Holy Spirit. We pray for the Church, both here in The Anglican Chaplaincy of the Costa Blanca and worldwide that we may go forward together in unity and strength. Help us to respect the beliefs of others even if we do not share them, to celebrate what we have in common and to accept our differences. Guide us all in our ministries as we live each day.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Creator God we pray for governments and world leaders, for captains of industry and workers; for inventors and technicians, for entertainers and audiences. For those who set the targets at work, in education and training and in the pews. For all who are powerful, that they may be guided by the Spirit of Truth that your way may be known upon earth, your saving power among all nations.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Father God we pray for our family and colleagues, friends and lovers, for neighbours and strangers, For those with whom we break bread at home, at work, in the community, and in our church, For all who grow, harvest and prepare the food we eat and for those who cook it and serve it

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Merciful God, your son Jesus asked the man at the pool “Do you want to be made well?” We pray for all those who have been ill for so long that it has become part of their life. Help them and those who care for them to see all the possibilities that life still holds despite their disabilities and to make the most of all the wonderful aids that are now available to help people lead enjoyable and fulfilled lives.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Merciful God we pray for those whose hearts have been saddened by the death of someone close and dear to them, for members of our families who have died and whose anniversary we recall.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Gracious God as we go out into the world help us to remember the words of today’s psalm and to work to make your way become known upon earth and your saving power among all nations.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Seventh Sunday of Easter

Jesus Christ calls everyone to follow him. As Christians, it is our duty and joy to share that invitation. The Archbishops of Canterbury and York invited every church in The Church England to join a Week of Prayer from Ascension Day to Pentecost in 2016. Now “Thy Kingdom Come” is in its third year and we pray for every Christian throughout the world to receive new confidence and joy in sharing this life-transforming faith.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer
Jesus Christ calls everyone to follow him.  Lord of the church, we pray for all people who seek to follow your way in their lives. Let your church speak your word of truth with confidence and in unity so that those who are searching and listening will be able to see and hear clearly your message of love and peace. We pray too for all the prayer events being held in Parish Churches throughout the Church of England; for all who will lead prayer meetings and for all who pray at home, work or whilst travelling.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Jesus Christ calls everyone to follow him.  We pray for key decision-makers and leaders in the Governments of the United Kingdom and Spain, for Queen Elizabeth and King Felipe and for all who have the power to bring about change. Mighty God; intervene and move within our nations.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Jesus Christ calls everyone to follow him.  We pray for our family members and friends who are not Christians.  Please work in us so that we can share your love, your life and message with them and reveal your love to them, that they might know, follow and witness to you.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Jesus Christ calls everyone to follow him.  We pray for those, who through illness, disability or infirmity find it difficult to pray for themselves.  Help them to be aware of the prayer and love which surrounds them and those who care for them.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Jesus Christ calls everyone to follow him.  Give us ears to hear and minds to understand the message of immortality for his followers, that we may look forward with confidence to that time when we will join you in the peace of eternity. We especially pray for any we know who have recently died and are on that journey to you.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Jesus Christ calls everyone to follow him. Help us to build your church through the power of your Spirit; by the same Spirit enable us, in the weeks to come, to witness to your love, beauty and grace that all those we pray for may come to the fellowship of the faithful.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for The Day of Pentecost

Faithful God, we now unite in prayer, as those disciples did on the first Day of Pentecost, and open ourselves to receive the very same Holy Spirit.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Mighty God,  we pray that the Church throughout the world and here in the Costa Blanca, may through the power of the Holy Spirit, make the Gospel understandable to all people of whatever their race, language, and culture. Let each baptized Christian strive to develop more fully their response to all the gifts of the Spirit and use them in the service of our saviour Jesus Christ.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God, we pray that the Holy Spirit of Peace might help the leaders of nations to seek justice and peace. May there be good news for the poor and the broken hearted; release for those illegally or wrongly imprisoned and an end to the conflicts throughout the world which lead to so much grief and mourning.  We pray for all those who are striving to rebuild in places which have been ravaged by war or natural disaster and those who have been forced to flee their homes and are now seeking refuge.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, we pray for our Chaplaincy communities, that each of us through the Holy Spirit of love might make use of our individual gifts and talents, enabling each church group to flourish as a witness to the “One Body” of the church.  Help us to spread the warmth of Your love to everyone we meet.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God, sustain and strengthen, through the Holy Spirit of Healing, the sick and suffering among us. May

they be brought to health and wholeness through the mercy of Christ.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God, may the Holy Spirit, who purifies us of sin and raises the dead, bring all our departed loved ones into the fullness of God’s presence.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, as we move forward into the busy week ahead help us to rejoice in your Holy and Life Giving Spirit. Send him again into our hearts, into our lives, and into our world.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Trinity Sunday

Let us Pray to our God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Father God, all-powerful, whose Spirit helps us in our weakness and guides us to Your Son in our prayers, we pray for the Church and for the world.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

One God, three Persons, be near to the people of the world formed in your image, close to the world your love brings to life. We remember all who bear the responsibility of leadership, for heads of state, ambassadors and political advisers; let your will for our world be accomplished through the decisions they make and give them a vision of peace and reconciliation for you lord can find a way when men and women are lost.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

One God, three Persons, help us to be gentle, with others and with ourselves. Give us, we pray, the calm that makes for consideration and the respect for others that makes us courteous. Take from us hard words and the cynical look. Let us be to others as we would wish them to be to us when we fail, forgive us and when they fail, heal us.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

One God, three Persons comfort through your Holy Spirit all who are in sorrow or need, sickness or adversity. Be close to those who draw near to death; bring consolation to those in sorrow or mourning and grant to us all a real sense of your love as you draw all who suffer into your tender care.

 (add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

One God, three Persons, your love reaches beyond the grave. At the end of our days on earth be with us and with those we love and with those whom we love and have gone before us.  We pray now for those who have recently died and those bereaved by their passing


(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

One God, three Persons, we ask you to lead us into the coming week, Help us to believe that you are close by us, keep us from making mistakes and help us never to disappoint you.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Trinity 1 Year C

Everlasting God, we thank you for the Good News we have been given; help us to remember that is not just for us, but to pass on to the rest of the world.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God, we pray for all who have influence and authority, through their political standing, fame or wealth; speak into their hearts of righteousness and justice, integrity and compassion.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, as the holiday season builds up once again we pray for the thousands of families who come to the Costa Blanca on holiday.  May they enjoy themselves, and enjoy each other. May their visit bring not only pleasure but restoration and healing into their lives.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Loving God, we raise before you those in need of comfort and reassurance; all in pain and mental anguish. We pray for those who have lapsed in their faith, those troubled with doubt and those who need your Good News this week.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God, have mercy on those who have recently died and those who are on that last journey now.  May those who have gone before us rest in your eternal peace.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Faithful God, we thank you for the Good News we have received; may we be ready during the coming week and beyond to share our joy with others.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Trinity 2 

Holy God, thank You for giving us Your Son to bring us into a relationship with You. Thank You for giving us the Scriptures so that we can know You better and thank You for giving us Your Spirit to guide us into the truth of what we need to know about You and Your great love.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Faithful God, we pray for our Clergy:- Father Marcus and Sandra, Father Rodney, Fr. Jim and Chrissie and for Fr. Don. We pray for Stephen our Reader and for Judy and Martin our Chaplaincy Wardens. We pray too for and all the PTO’s without whose valuable support the Chaplaincy would struggle at times.   Support them as they lead, teach & guide us.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God, as we pray for our World we pray for our Queen and all of the Royal Family and for King Felipe and the Spanish Royal Family.  We pray for everyone in Government and Authority, Internationally, Nationally and Locally. Grant them wisdom so that their judgements may always selflessly benefit those that they represent.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer


Father God, thank You for welcoming us into Your circle of love. May we share Your love with someone in our community today and every day.  Thank you for those who include us in their circle and thank you for their friendship which brings so much joy to our lives.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Loving God, in a moment of silence before You we remember all who are in need of our prayers, (pause). All those known to us personally. (pause) and all whose names are named on our service sheet.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God,  when someone we love dies, help us to remember that Your Son is preparing a place for us to live with You.  Thank You that it will be more than just a wonderful place. It is where we will live with You and know You forever.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God, thank You for Your Word and its powerful influence in our lives. Help us to learn to put its truth into practice as we go from this church and out into the world to live the week ahead.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Trinity 3 

Everlasting God,  we  make our prayers now for all people, everywhere, both close to us and far away.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Holy God, whenever we start to get offended by your generosity or open-mindedness, give us the grace to repent and join your rejoicing. Guard the Church against self-righteousness and all rules and limits which you would not own, but keep always before us the rule of love.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God, we thank you for people who have risked and sacrificed much to provide us with all the benefits and comforts of our modern life. Help us to encourage our young people to follow their examples and to build on their legacies so that future generations may enjoy continued progress but with constant thought for our responsible stewardship your creation.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, we thank you for our families and friends and for the communities both church and secular that we belong to. We ask that you help us with our relationships, help us make our strong ones to be stronger, our broken ones to be healed and our new ones to continue growing.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God, we pray for all who suffer in body, mind or spirit and for those who care for them. We pray for the sick; for those who mourn; for those without faith, hope or love. We especially pray for ……………..

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Mighty God, your love reaches beyond the grave. At the end of our days on earth be with us and with those we love and with those whom we love and have gone before us.We pray now for those who have recently died and those bereaved by their passing

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Almighty God, we pray for ourselves; as we go from your house today to start the week ahead, we ask that in all we do, we may we walk more closely with you at our side safe in the knowledge that your fatherly love and care knows no bound

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Trinity 4

Everlasting God, at the start of another week, we offer our lives to you; give us strength to carry out our work and duties faithfully; deepen our trust in you, and help us to build your kingdom, today and always.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Holy God, we pray for our Chaplaincy, and the churches in our local community, and ask that there will be a growing desire to get together and get out. We give you thanks for those who come up with fresh ways of making your name known to the wider community and for those who work so hard to make fellowship and fund-raising events so pleasurable and financially successful.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God, we pray for our troubled world. Give wisdom to all world leaders to seek some way out of the sufferings of the Middle East.  May they strive to seek for a deep and lasting peace which reconciles Moslem and Jew and Christian, peoples who share so much of the background to their faith.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, we thank you for the communities of which we are part and ask you to guide us to be more aware of our neighbours’ needs and ways in which we might help.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God, we pray for those who are ill at home or in hospital, for those who are experiencing extreme pain and for those anxiously awaiting a diagnosis, treatment or an operation.  We especially pray for ……………..

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Mighty God, your Son Jesus Christ is the light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before You those who have died and pray that they are now experiencing that light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope and comfort to the bereaved.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Almighty God, receive these prayers, and transform us through them, that as we go from our worship today we may have eyes to see and hearts to understand not only what you do on our behalf, but what you call us to do on Your behalf.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Trinity 5 

Everlasting God, we pray today for your blessing to be upon this congregation and upon this church, and throughout our Chaplaincy.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Eternal God, Light of the nations, in Christ you make all things new: guide our nation in the coming days through the inspiration of your Spirit, that understanding may put an end to discord and all bitterness. Give us grace to rebuild bonds of trust that together we may work for the dignity and flourishing of all; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, we pray for the young people in our families, churches and communities.  May they grow up knowing love and hope, valuing life and respecting others. We pray for those who are starting important exams or preparing to leave school and move on to the next stage in their lives.  Give them courage and hope as they face changes in their lives  and help them to see opportunities in all the challenges that stretch out before them.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God, we pray for your healing touch to rest upon those who are sick; your strength to be felt by those who are tired; your wisdom and your love to encourage those who live with despair and fear.  We especially pray for ……………..

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Mighty God, through the ministry of your son Jesus Christ you have freed us from the grip of the tomb. We pray for those who have departed this life and ask You, through your loving kindness, to have mercy on their souls.  We pray too for those bereaved by their passing

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Almighty God, may your presence be seen clearly in what we do each day throughout the coming week.  We pray that your joy and your love will flow freely in us and through us as we take up your yoke and follow where you lead us.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Trinity 6 Year C  

Jesus taught His disciples and us to pray saying: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name;

Father God, direct all our living; all that we think, say, and do.  May your name never be a curse or a blasphemy on our lips but always a name that is loved, honoured and praised; and may the way that we speak of You move our world closer to a heavenly kingdom on earth.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Your kingdom come;

Mighty God we pray that You will strengthen our Chaplaincy and its churches as we seek to draw folk into worship and faith. Keep our churches strong and growing and help us to encourage others to take up the Christian faith through our worship and social events.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven;

Gracious God sometimes we find this very difficult to accept, especially when some is seriously ill or dying, but we pray for those we know who are ill or have died asking that your will not ours be done.

(add names of those requesting prayer and the names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Give us today our daily bread;

Creator God in a world of greed and selfish desires may we see that we are sustained only by your wonderful provision.  May our eagerness to acquire material possessions pale in comparison to our joy in the wonderful gift of Your Son to be our Saviour.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us

Merciful God how easy it sometimes is for us to ask for forgiveness and yet at the same time refuse forgiveness for those who perpetrate acts of terrorism and war. Comfort those who mourn and give strength to the injured.  Deliver those whose hearts are hardened by hatred.  Grant to us all your understanding, and your persevering love.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil

Almighty God protect us from the constant dangers and enticing temptations we face each day. Deliver us from the oppressive evils of apathy, addiction, and abuse.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

For the kingdom and the power and the glory are Yours forever and ever.

Everlasting God we make all these requests because You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Alpha and Omega, beginning and end.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Trinity 7 

Everlasting God, we give thanks for this new day and as we gather here to worship you we pray that we might be so filled with joy through our belief in you that our hearts overflow with love for you and for all who we meet along our journey.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Holy God, give your wisdom and heavenly grace to all bishops, and priests and deacons, especially Bishop Robert, Bishop David and Archdeacon Geoff, and to all others who hold office in your church, that, by their service, faith may abound and your kingdom increase.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God, in this uncertain time as the UK continues to move towards separation from the EU under a new prime Minister and Cabinet, drive away despair from our politics, revive our dreams of justice and truth, restore our passion for what is good and right and give to our leaders wisdom and sensitivity to work for unity and the common good so that our children and grandchildren might enjoy the kind of European peace which our generation has known.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, we pray that, in our communities, all will be welcome and accepted regardless of nationality, colour or status and that we will seek always to serve God in one another

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Loving God, we pray that all those who seek healing of body, mind or spirit will be touched by the loving hand of God and know his peace and his presence alongside them each and every step of their journey.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God,  and Lord of Life, look in mercy on the departed that they may see your salvation and find their peace and final rest in you:

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

God, and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, hear these prayers we offer you in his name. By the power of your Holy Spirit work within us and among us to bring your kingdom values into this world. Let your will be done so that all people may live only for your praise and glory

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Trinity 8 

Gracious God, your Son encouraged us to be generous givers: may we so rejoice in your love that we give without counting the cost and work tirelessly to spread the Gospel message in all that we do and say.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Holy God, as you revealed yourself to the Jewish people through the prophets in ancient days; reveal yourself to our church in this present age.  Raise up new prophets and make us into a faithful people ready to believe your promises and follow you wherever you will lead us

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God, we pray today for the peace of our nations. May all places that suffer violence, injustice, war and terrorism find peace and reconciliation. We pray for the peoples of the world and that the leaders of the nations may uphold what is right and good.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, Your Son Jesus Christ enjoyed rest and Refreshment in the home of his friends. May we, like Martha, serve Christ faithfully in the person of our brothers and sisters; and like Mary, feed on his Word and grow in his love and grace.  Give us the will to love you, open our hearts to hear you, and strengthen our hands to serve you in our families, churches and communities.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Loving God, we pray for all those who have lost their way or have been led astray and for all who are living below their potential or their abilities.  We raise before you all whose lives are unfulfilled and all those whose lives are restricted by illness; we remember the chronically ill, those in constant pain, the depressed and the despairing.  We especially pray for those in our Chaplaincy who we now name (add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Almighty God, we remember before You those who have died and those who are bereaved by their passing.  We give back to you, Lord, those whom you gave to us. Your son taught us that life is eternal and that love cannot die. So death is only a horizon, and a horizon is only the limit of our sight. Open our eyes to see more clearly, and draw us closer to you, so that we may know we are nearer to our loved ones, who are with you.

 (add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Faithful God, as we go from today’s worship help us to see each individual we meet as uniquely made in Your image and worthy of our love and respect.  Show Your love through our lives in some small way today and every day.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen


Intercessions for Trinity 9 

Everlasting God Help us to understand the way that you would like things to be done and to be ready to follow your ways until we too can enter the wide-open doors of heaven.

Almighty God you want us to hold the needs of our sisters and brothers in Christ as dear to us as ourselves. Help us to love our neighbours as ourselves as we offer our thanks and our intercessions on behalf of the church here in the Costa Blanca and throughout the world.

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Creator God, you call us all to love and serve you with body, mind, and spirit. Help us to demonstrate our love for your creation and the world in the way that we live. Open the hearts of those with power both elected and non-elected and give them compassion in all that they do for the good of the people that they lead. We pray for the Royal families of Spain and Great Britain.

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Creator God we pray for all those here in the Costa Blanca holiday this Summer. Thank you for the refreshment which holiday brings to their lives, for the freedom from routine and for the new experiences and opportunities they have as they explore our countryside and relax in our resorts.  Thank you for the gift of your wonderful creation and help us to be good steward especially in our leisure time.

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Loving God friend of those in need, your Son Jesus has healed so many in body, mind and spirit.  We hold before you those still burdened, those seeking healing, those in need within the church and the world.  We especially pray at this time for all those badly affected by the high temperatures being experienced here in Sain and for the serious drought in the UK which is causing so much distress to farming communities

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Merciful God, we pray for all who grieve for loved ones who have died. Be with them in their sorrow, lead them with your love to accept their loss and to go on with their lives.   We raise before you those who have died recently and those whose anniversary falls at this time

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

God of power, hear our prayers, and through the ministry of your, Son free us from the grip of the world and all that is evil. Lead us as we go forward into another week strengthened and upheld by your love, the knowledge of the Gospel and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Trinity 10 

Everlasting God, forgive us for overlooking your power and trying to live in our own strength. Help us to understand that we can’t do it on our own and thank you for providing everything that we need..

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Holy God, we ask for your blessing upon this congregation and upon this church praying for your presence to be seen vividly in what we and our brothers and sisters in Christ do each day.  We pray that your joy and your love will flow freely in us and through us as we take up our cross and follow wherever you lead us.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God, thank you for investing so heavily in us and in the world in which we live. Help us to see that there is no one who can love us like you do.  Help us to focus our priorities and our thoughts on heavenly things as well as placing our treasures in heaven.  May this way of thinking be seen in the leaders of the world where so often we see greed and graft overshadowing the needs of the poor and needy.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God,  thank you for our friends and families.  We especially pray for all who visit us and the Costa Blanca and for all who cater for them as they enjoy their holidays.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God,  we pray for those who are sick.  As time drags on and answers seem far away, teach them and us, to find help in you and your presence and enable them to endure and to trust in you.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Faithful God, when someone we know dies, help us to praise your gracious will, for in Christ Jesus you have saved us from death and opened for us the hidden ways of your love.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Loving God, receive these prayers and transform us through them, that we may have eyes to see and hearts to understand not only what you do on our behalf, but what you call us to do on your behalf.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Trinity 11 

Friends in Christ, God invites us to hold the needs of our sisters and brothers as dear to us as our own needs. Loving our neighbours as ourselves, we offer our thanksgivings and our petitions on behalf of the church and the world.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Almighty God, we pray for your church here in ……………. and for our Chaplaincy, for our Chaplains and for those with PTO.  We ask for your blessing on our work as we seek to create a church community that welcomes the stranger, provides a refuge for those who feel threatened or alone and a place where everyone feels that they belong..

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father in heaven, we pray for people of every race and belief, and in every kind of need: make your ways known on earth, your saving power among nations.

The Archbishop of York’s Prayer for the European Union

God of all Hopefulness, upholding and renewing your creation: Give your grace abundantly to our European Union Leaders, that they may lead with wisdom and insight, with a willingness to Lead and be led.  In your mercy cast out, in us, all fear, godlessness, sin and love of money; and help us to live Truth, Justice, Peace, Compassion and Joy.  To the Glory of your Name. © Archbishop Sentamu 2019

The Archbishop of York’s Prayer for the UK Parliament 

God of eternal love and power, save our Parliamentary Democracy; protect our High Court of Parliament and all its members from partiality and prejudice; that they may walk humbly the path of kindness, justice and mercy.  Give them wisdom, insight and a concern for the common good. The weight of their calling is too much to bear in their own strength, therefore we pray earnestly, Father, send them help from your Holy Place, and be their tower of strength.

© Archbishop Sentamu 2019

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, take control of our mouths and forgive us for careless, thoughtless, and angry words used against our family, friends and neighbours. Let our words always bless you and others and may our actions speak of love for you and your Son Jesus Christ. Help us to see each individual as uniquely made in your image and worthy of our love and respect. Show your love through our lives in some small way today

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God, we pray for all who suffer, whether their suffering is physical or spiritual.  And we ask you to support all who give their strength, their skill and their stamina in a ministry of healing.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God, we pray for those who have gone before us to that place where flesh and spirit part. May they rest in your love and peace, surrounded by the heavenly host and reunited with loved ones.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Mighty God, grant that the words we have heard during our time of worship may be grafted onto our hearts through your grace, that they may produce in us the fruits of a good life, in praise and honour of your Holy Name

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Trinity 12 

Everlasting God, as you look down on our church family  assembled here, we thank you for this place in which we worship together.  Thank you for the love that unites us, for the peace we enjoy today and  for the hopes we have for tomorrow.  We thank you too for the health we enjoy, for the work that keeps us cheerfully occupied, for the food that sustains us, for the beauty around us that make our lives delightful and for our friends in every  corner of the world.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Lord we ask you guide your Church especially when  differences amongst us seem to threaten our very existence. We face each other, but often do not see the face. We too easily make ‘an other’ of one another. Help us now to look again, to see Jesus in the face and to recognise hopes, aspirations and desires.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Creator God in this uncertain time politically for the British nation, as Brexit and the tensions in Parliament dominate the headlines, we pray for the UK Prime Minister and Party Leaders as they negotiate the political future of the nation.  We pray for those who represent their communities in Parliament; for the media as they interpret events and for ourselves and our hopes and fears for our future here in Spain.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, help us to recognize the people in our lives who need someone to stand up for them. Forgive us for thinking that it’s “not our problem” and help us always to love our family friends and neighbours as ourselves especially praying for those who does not carry the cross and follow Jesus as a disciple.

(Short Silence)

Gracious God, sometimes life seems out of control and we don’t know exactly which direction to take, especially when we are, or someone we know is, ill.  Thank you for overseeing our lives and prompting us in the right way through your word and your spirit. We raise before you now those on our prayer lists and those causing us concern.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God,  Remember, the souls of your servants now fallen asleep and for those who are saddened by their passing.  Be with the bereaved in their loneliness and give them the faith to look beyond their present troubles to your Son Jesus Christ  who died and rose again and who lives forevermore.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Faithful God, we praise you for all you have done in the past; we look forward with thankfulness for all you will do in the future and we thank you for today and all your blessings we experience.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Trinity 13

Everlasting God, we come before you with our baggage, our worries, our anxiety and our fears. Some of us are tired, some of us are in pain, some are sad and some are angry; and so, as we place our burdens before, you help us to learn from you and to trust in you, so that in serving you we may find the rest that you have promised.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Faithful God, we ask you to make the doors of this church, in the Chaplaincy of the Holy Spirit, wide enough to receive all who need human love and fellowship, and the care of heavenly Father. May they be narrow enough to shut out all that creates discord or division. We pray that what takes place in our worship here week by week will never be a stumbling-block to those who gather here in your name.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, raise up we pray, in our turbulent and violent world, leaders who will base their decisions on the law of justice and moral integrity that you have planted in every human heart

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, we pray for all whose livelihood and way of life are threatened by current economic problems following the Brexit vote.  Give all who face changes in life courage and help them to see opportunities in change and take on challenges with optimism.

(Short Silence)

Gracious God, may your compassion be sensed and felt by the sick and the lonely, the poor and the oppressed  as we support them with our loving prayer and by our assistance whenever we can be close to them.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God,  we pray for those who have been released from their mortal bodies in death and that they may be brought rejoicing into the kingdom of heaven, reunited with all their loved ones who have gone before them.

 (add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Faithful God, be alongside  us in the week ahead.  Help us to be good tempered and considerate, to be hard-working and diligent in all we do; to never speak hastily and to always act kindly to those we love and especially to those we find it difficult to like.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Trinity 14 Year

Everlasting God, we cannot begin to understand how wonderful you are for you have not only shown us a way of life, you are “The Way”; and as we follow, guided by your Spirit, you lead us to your son Jesus Christ and to a true relationship with one another.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Faithful God, we pray for all those who work for, and in, our chaplaincy.  The clergy and reader, the wardens and officials and all those who serve on Chaplaincy and local church councils.  Thank you too for those who provide music, hospitality and flowers; those who assist, serve read and lead intercessions and for all who attend our worship , our fellowship groups and fund raising event.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father, God of the living earth You have called people to care for your world – you asked Noah to save creatures from destruction. May we now understand how to sustain your world – Not over-fishing, not over-hunting, Not destroying trees, protecting the precious rainforests Not farming soil into useless dust. Help us to find ways to use resources wisely to find a path to good, sustainable living in peace and harmony with creatures around us.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, at a time when many question the relevance of the Church, help us to be witnesses in the world. Witnesses who strengthen the presence of Christ in our Chaplaincy; in our individual churches; in our families, in the communities where we live; in the places where we work and in all the places where we spend our leisure time.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Gracious God, we pray for those who face difficulties in their personal lives.  We raise before you all who are sick, the bereaved, those with problems in their families, in their relationships, in their neighbourhoods or in their workplace.  Give them a patient faith in their troubles and the knowledge that you share their sufferings with them.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God, we pray for all those departed this life and for those who are bereaved by their passing. Help us to be sympathetic, caring and loving with the bereaved and always ready to help practically and to pray for them in their time of greatest need.

 (add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Faithful God, God of heaven and earth, companion in life, Spirit of truth, to you alone we turn our eyes and lift our hearts.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Trinity 15 Year 

(Prayers for Creationtide as commended by The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby)

Everlasting God, you are the source of growth and blessed are those who love you.  We  come before you now, seeking your love, your way, your peace; offering our love, our choices, our worship; listening for wisdom, for challenge, for your ways.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Faithful God , you call us to follow, and you warn us of the cost of discipleship, as your love overwhelms all our life.  We pray for those who pay a very high cost for faith, as they face danger, persecution or death for what they believe. We remember those who cry out for peace as they work in their communities and across the world to end conflict. We pray for those who speak up against systems of power, as they seek to transform economics and politics for the good of all.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Father God, we pray today for your creation, paying such a high price for our development, greed and progress. We remember today the land that is no longer flourishing, as water floods or runs dry and seeds cannot grow or bear fruit.  We pray for the seas and all that is in them,

where rising temperatures and major changes bring death.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Gracious God, we pray for all those who are sick, that you may guide and strengthen them through their illness. We pray also for those who care for the sick, those engaged in the caring professions and for family members who look after loved ones and especially for children who care for parents.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Merciful God, as we remember loved ones who have departed this life, we thank you or all those who have gone before us, especially who stood up against sexism, slavery or racism; for those who have fought to give us a fairer, better, world.

 (add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your Mercy: Hear our Prayer

Mighty God, we trust in you for our time here on this earth and we place our trust beyond the grave for our eternal lives in your Spirit. We ask that you will gather us in with all your loving people, to worship you forever.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Trinity 16 Year 

(composed by Kath Walker, Sleights, North Yorkshire.)

Let us pray for the church and for the world and let us thank God for his goodness.

God, you often speak with a still, small voice; teach us to be still and quiet in our prayers. Quieten our hearts and minds from their busyness and, in the quiet, let our thoughts and our love be directed to you.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

Gracious God we pray for your church throughout the world and for all Christian people; for the renewal of the Church in faith, love and service; for Justin and Sentamu our Archbishops, Robert and David our Bishops and Geoff our Archdeacon; for the life of this Church and Chaplaincy.  We give you thanks for the gift of your word, the grace of the sacraments and the fellowship of your people.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

Heavenly Father we pray for those who have been affected by the recent spate of horrendous fires following the long drought experienced in our region, the worst in 150 years.  We thank you for the emergency services, fire, police and ambulance, and for those flying aerial water bombers.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

Lord of all we pray for peace in the world; we bring before you the troubles and dangers of people and nations; the war-torn and the world-weary.  We ask for your blessing on communities seeking to rebuild their lives in peace and hope. We pray for all refugees fleeing from war and persecution in their homelands and we pray for all rulers, governments and leaders of people, that they will strive for justice and peace.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

Father God, as we rejoice in your love, we remember our loved ones, our homes and families we pray for our community and neighbourhood; for teachers and children in our schools, both here and in the UK, as they start a new year, rested and refreshed following their summer break. We ask your blessing on all who strive to brighten the world by their dedication and goodness, by their faith and willingness to sacrifice.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

We pray for the sick and suffering and all who care for them. We pray for those for whom this day will be long and hard, for those struggling with despair or depression, for those in hospital and at home.  We pray especially at this time for………………………………………………….

In your goodness and mercy grant them health of body, soundness of mind and peace of heart.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

We remember in our prayers friends and loved ones who have enriched our lives and are now departed from us. We pray for those who. have died in recent days. Praying especially for……………..

We remember those whose anniversaries occur at this time …………. .

May your light shine on them for ever and our lives be richer because of their memory.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

Rejoicing in the fellowship of The Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints, we commend ourselves, and all for whom we pray to the mercy and protection of God.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son Jesus Christ, Amen

Intercessions for Trinity 17 Year 

Sisters and brothers in Christ, God invites us to hold the needs of friends and loved ones before Him. And so, loving our neighbours as ourselves, we offer our thanksgivings and our petitions on behalf of the church and the world.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

At a time when many question the relevance of the Church, assist us to be witnesses in, and to, the world and, through our witness, strengthen the presence of Christ in our chaplaincy.

Make us a welcoming body of Christ here at ……………….; recognised as the real church, the people of God.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

We ask for your protection against destroying fire. We recognise that fire is necessary for our existence, and yet, when it is misused and gets out of control, it can be more damaging than anything else. Keep our homes and buildings safe from this scourge and thank you for the emergency service who dealt with the recent devastating fires here in the Costa Blanca so effectively.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

We pray for our own local community, confessing our own failings and lack of compassion and love. Help us see the good in each other, without bearing  grudges and forgiving all grievances. help us not to define ourselves by what we do for you, but by what you have done for us. Show us how we can show your love to others.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

Heal those who are sick and strengthen those who are weak, help them sense the love that you give to each and every one of us,

We pray especially at this time for………………………………………………….

In your goodness and mercy grant them health of body, soundness of mind and peace of heart.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

As we remember those who have left us, keep happy thoughts with us, of the times we shared together when they were alive and a living, loving presence in our lives.

Praying especially for……………..

We remember those whose anniversaries occur at this time …………. .

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

Faithful God, in the week that lies before us may we reflect Yours love in our families, our church and our community; so that the world can see that we are followers of Christ and children of the most High God, and draw others into his loving care.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son Jesus Christ, Amen

Intercessions for Trinity 18 

Hidden and mysterious God, we seek you in our darkness and our unknowing, so come to us with tender love as we raise before you our prayers of intercession and thanksgiving and a request that you help us always to to pray diligently and never to lose heart.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

Father God, as church leaders spend time in prayer and preparation, fill them with divine inspiration and revelation, so that when they speak, it will be your word which comes in power to challenge, convict and empower. As they plan ahead, let them be led by you.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

Mighty God, we pray for all who carry civic and political responsibilities throughout the world. Help the leaders of the nations put aside all selfish ambition as they seek to be the instruments of your will for humanity and carry out your desire for the welfare of all people which will culminate in glory to you and in happier human lives.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

Compassionate God, your love for humanity was revealed in Jesus, whose earthly life began in the poverty of a stable and ended in the pain and isolation of the cross.  We hold before you those who are homeless and driven to beg; draw near to those who live rough and comfort them in spirit blessing those who work to provide for them.  We especially pray for those working in our Chaplaincy, Caritas, The Red Cross and The Franciscan Hospice in Gandia. (add any other local organisations here…………..)

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

Living God, where there is sickness turn weakness into strength, suffering into compassion, sorrow into joy, and pain into comfort. Help all who suffer to trust in your goodness and hope in your faithfulness, even in the middle of their suffering. Let them be filled with patience and joy in your presence as they wait for your healing touch.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

Everlasting God, we remember all those who have gone before, walked the same path that we tread, and, by their example, encouragement, wise words and teaching led others into your Kingdom and so we offer our grateful thanks for the departed particularly for those whose anniversary falls at this time.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

Faithful God, your word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.  Thank you that we can live in Your light and walk in Your truth.  May the things that you have revealed and thoughts that we have shared dwell in our hearts and stir us to action.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son Jesus Christ, Amen

Intercessions for Trinity 19 

(With thanks to The Arthur Rank Centre, UK)

Harvest Intercession 1

We pray

For farmers, their families and communities and all who depend on them,

For all who are worried about tomorrow and facing difficulties today,

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

For agricultural chaplains, support groups and rural churches

For the communities in which they work and the people to whom they minister

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

For retailers and suppliers

For all involved in the processing and transporting of food;

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

For urban communities far removed from food production

For children and young people with little knowledge of where their food comes from

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

For those that go hungry and those who endeavour to feed them,

For relief agencies and aid workers

Giving help and healing to those in need,

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

For restraint and fairness in the use of economic power;

For discernment and a long view in farm policy and decision,

For justice in world trade,

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

For ourselves that we may eat with joy and with care;

For land and livestock and love for those who care for them,

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

For the ability to appreciate your generosity

And a readiness to recognise our dependency on each other

And on you.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

Father, we thank you for all that you have made.  You chose to create us in your own image.  You made us stewards of your creation, For all that you are, for all that you have done, for all that you have given we offer our humble thanks and praise.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son Jesus Christ, Amen

Harvest Intercession 2 Prayer for farming, forestry and fishing industry

For farmers, foresters and fishers , their families and communities

and all who depend on them ……

For farmers who struggle to make a living, especially those who are tenants,

and those who have large amounts of debt to service ……

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For those who maintain high standards of animal husbandry, but are undercut

by unfair competition and have undergone great suffering over the past months,

for livestock hauliers and auctioneers, for vets and agricultural advisers ……

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For those who are seeking to use agro-chemicals responsibly

and adopt eco-friendly practices …….

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For farming families under stress,

for farm women, for the Women’s Food and Farming Union and its work

in promoting locally produced food and opportunities for diversification..

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For support groups – Rural Stress Information Network, Farm Crisis Network

and Rural Minds, and for agricultural chaplains ……

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For foresters, balancing long term investment and short term economic return,

for the development of sustainable woodland and increased use of coppicing products,

for the use of trees and hedges to improve the micro climate and bio-diversity

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For fishing communities adapting to massive change,

for an end to vicious rivalry within the European Community,

for wisdom in implementing policies that will sustain and renew fish stocks

while ensuring the viability of fishing businesses ……

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For restraint and fairness in the use of economic power,

for discernment and a long term view in policy and decision making,

for a love of creation and a high view of human stewardship

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son Jesus Christ, Amen

Intercessions for Trinity 20 

Faithful God, sometimes our faith feels weak. The trials of life test our faith and we find it hard to rejoice.  Help our faith to grow and help us realize that it is the most important thing in our lives. Show us how to rise above our human weaknesses and to grow stronger in our Christian Faith.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

Mighty God help us to see that things which seem completely impossible becomes possible, if they are approached with faith. Help us to see that If we approach a thing saying, “It can’t be done,” it will not but if we approach it saying, “It must be done,” the chances are that it will; always remembering that we approach no task alone, but that You and all Your power is with us.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

Creator God, we pray for your world. Forgive us when we are ungrateful, when lack of faith and spiritual blindness prevents us from appreciating the wonder of your creation and the endless cycle of nature.  Forgive us for taking without giving; reaping without sowing. We pray for the farmers of the world many of whom still use those methods described by Jesus and we especially pray that they may be treat with fairness for their labours. We especially remember those who work with the land here in the Costa Blanca suffering so badly from the lack of rain.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

Father God, we pray for our Chaplaincy communities, that each of us will be open to the opportunities to give of our individual talents enabling each church group to flourish as a witness to the “One Body” of the church. We pray that each baptized Christian may develop more fully his or her response to all the gifts which the Spirit bestows for the service of the Body of Christ,

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

Living God, we pray for the hungry and the homeless, the broken and bereaved. For all for whom this day brings sadness and little joy, for the sick, lonely and the helpless, for those whose hope has been shattered and their faith destroyed.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

Everlasting God, we pray for those kept fresh in our memory and for those long forgotten, For all who ever took the breath of life at home, at work, in the streets, and in the pews, We pray for mercy and forgiveness for the dead and those who mourn them, may they find rest in the Spirit’s embrace and we commend them to your keeping for ever.

Lord hear us; Lord graciously hear us.

Lord of Life and Love we ask you to lead us into the coming week; help us to believe that you are close by us; keep us from making mistakes and help us never to disappoint you. When we face hard decisions or difficult work, when we enjoy ourselves and have fun with others may we know that you share these times with us.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son Jesus Christ, Amen

Intercessions for Trinity 21

Almighty God in the noise and confusion of life, we pray for peace in our hearts. In these few moments of stillness we bring before you our prayers, asking for help and guidance as we journey through our earthly life and giving thanks and praise for our many blessings.

Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Holy God we pray for your Church today, gathering all round the world in tiny churches and great cathedrals, to praise you, to hear your holy word, and to meet you in bread and wine. Give us a sense of expectation as we come and inspiration as we go. Help us to put our differences behind us and unite instead behind the great commission of Jesus, to make disciples of all nations.

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Everlasting God we pray for the life of the world; especially at this time we pray for the people of Haiti as they face the devastation caused by hurricane Matthew. We pray for the rescue workers and those sending aid.

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Creator God we pray for peace in the world; that every nation may seek the way that leads to peace; that human rights and freedoms may everywhere be respected and the world’s resources be ungrudgingly shared. At this harvest time we acknowledge that all good gifts around us are sent from heaven above. Help us to receive them gratefully, to use them wisely and to share them unselfishly as good stewards of your bounty.

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Father God we pray for ourselves. Give us this day, the eye that is willing to see the meaning of the ordinary, the familiar, the commonplace; to see our own faults for what they are; to see the likeable qualities in those we may not like; to recognise the mistakes in what we thought was correct; to understand the strength in what we labelled as weakness.  Help us to entrust the past to your mercy, the present to your love and the future to your wisdom.

Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Gracious God we raise before you all who are sick or dying; all who are suffering or in sorrow; grant to all who are living in error or ignorance or sin, the grace of repentance. We pray for those in our chaplaincy who are sick or suffering at this time especially …………………….. and in silence we remember any known personally to us. In your goodness and mercy, grant them health of body, soundness of mind and peace of heart.

Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Loving God, into your hands we commit those who have run the race and kept the faith, even if that faith was known only to you and now have gone to their reward. We remember at this time.. ……………………..May your light shine on them for ever and our lives be richer because of their memory.

Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Faithful God, who in your wisdom has so ordered our earthly life, that we must walk by faith and not by sight. Grant us such faith in you that amidst all things that pass our understanding, we may believe in your fatherly care, and ever be strengthened by the assurance that underneath are the everlasting arms.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son our saviour,

Jesus Christ, Amen.

Intercessions for Trinity 22 

Heavenly Father empower by your spirit all Christian people and the work of your church in every land. Give us grace to proclaim the gospel joyfully, not only by word but especially by deed and by the way in which we live our lives

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Creator God we pray that you will guide those who administer justice that they may be honest and merciful in all that they do and give wisdom to all who make laws, ensuring that the laws that they make may always prevail for the common good.

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Father God we pray that children may be brought up in the knowledge of faith and with a sense of respect and responsibility for others.  Bless the parent of our children, and teachers who serve the communities we live in.

Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Everlasting God be present in all place where there is suffering, violence or pain. We especially pray for those people living through war or oppression and the many who are forced to leave their homes to seek refuge elsewhere.  Be with those who are trying to bring peace in Syria and especially in the city of Aleppo and for the relief agencies trying so hard to bring food and medicine to those suffering.  We also hold in our prayers the people of Haiti who have lost lives, homes and livyhood in the wake of hurricane Michael.

Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Gracious God we pray for those we know who are passing through illness.  Bless those who care for the sick, encourage all that is being done for their good and surround them your healing care

Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.


Loving God, we remember in these prayers those who have died, those we have known and loved and those known only to you.  Help us to leave them with you in perfect trust, knowing that you care for them and for us with infinite love

Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Faithful God, we commend ourselves and all for whom we have prayed to you mercy and protection

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son our saviour,

Jesus Christ, Amen.

Intercessions for All Saints Sunday – 4 before Advent Year 

(Taken from  “All Saints to Advent” Church of England Seasonal Material)

United in the company of all the faithful and looking for the coming of the kingdom, let us offer our prayers to God, the source of all life and holiness.

Merciful Lord, strengthen all Christian people by your Holy Spirit, that we may live as a royal priesthood and a holy nation to the praise of Jesus Christ our Saviour.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Bless Robert and David our bishops and all ministers of your Church and our Chaplaincy here in the Costa Blanca, that by faithful proclamation of your word we may be built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets into a holy temple in the Lord.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Empower us by the gift of your holy and life-giving Spirit, that we may be transformed into the likeness of Christ from glory to glory.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Give to the world and its peoples the peace that comes from above, that they may find Christ’s way of freedom and life.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Hold in your embrace all who witness to your love in the service of the poor and needy; all who minister to the sick and dying; and all who bring light to those in darkness.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Touch and heal all those whose lives are scarred by sin or disfigured by pain, that, raised from death to life in Christ, their sorrow may be turned to eternal joy.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Remember in your mercy all those gone before us who have been well-pleasing to you from eternity; preserve in your faith your servants on earth, guide us to your kingdom and grant us your peace at all times.

(add names of the recently departed and / or on the Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Hasten the day when many will come from east and west, from north and south, and sit at table in your kingdom.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

We give you thanks for the whole company of your saints in glory, with whom in fellowship we join our prayers and praises; by your grace may we, like them, be made perfect in your love.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son our saviour, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Intercessions for Fourth  Sunday before Advent

Everlasting God, as we reflect on the story about Zacchaeus, we think of our own selfishness and  our impatience with people, the people for whom you died. Forgive us for our lack of vision and help us to see you at work in the people around us always willing to risk whatever reputations we have to join in your search and rescue campaign.

 (Short Silence)

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Holy God we raise before you our Chaplaincy clergy team and especially Father Jim and Chrissie as they all prepare for his licensing on All Saints Day at La Fustera this coming Tuesday.

(Short Silence)

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Creator God we pray to you for peace in Syria; for an end to killing and despair, an end to hostilities on all sides. We pray especially for the innocent victims of violence in Mosul as the fighting intensifies to retake the town from ISIS and we long for the time when justice, truth and love may prevail for all the people of Syria.

(Short Silence)

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Father God help us to be gentle, with others and with ourselves. Give us a calmness  that makes for consideration and the respect for others that makes us courteous. Take from us hard words and the cynical look. Let us not ever  get in the way of other folk being able to see Jesus and risk having to “climb a tree”.

(Short Silence)

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Loving God, we pray for all those who are sick, that you may guide and strengthen them through their illness. We pray also for those who care for the sick, those engaged in the caring professions and for family members who look after loved ones and especially for children who care for parents. (add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Gracious God, surround us and all who mourn this day with your continuing compassion. Do not let grief overwhelm your children, or turn them against you. When grief seems never-ending, take them one step at a time along your road of death and resurrection  

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Faithful God  , your word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. We thank you that we can live in Your light and walk in Your truth.  May the things that you have revealed and thoughts that we have shared in this time of worship dwell in our hearts and stir us to action

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Third Sunday before Advent 

Everlasting God, open our eyes, that we might see you. Open our ears, that we may hear you. Open our mouths, that we might speak your praise.

 (Short Silence)

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Holy God, we pray for your church throughout the world, for sceptics and believers, for clergy high and low. For all those who seek God at home, at work, in the streets, and in the pews, for all who search for life.  We pray for the stillness to listen to the voice of the Spirit and to recognise what you have done for us. 

(Short Silence)

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Creator God you gave to us the care of our planet and yet all that we seem to do is spoil it.  We pollute the atmosphere in our striving for worldly goods, we endanger the lives of your animal kingdom in our constant desire for farmland and cash crops and we bring death and destruction in senseless wars and acts of terrorism.  We pray for a time when common sense rules and we all learn once again to be good stewards of your wonderful creation.

(Short Silence)

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Father God we pray for all those preparing for marriage that through their preparations they experience an increase of love towards each other and an increase of generosity to others. May their union, by our prayers, make for a long and happy life together.

 (Short Silence)

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Loving God, we raise before you the sick and the suffering and ask that even in difficult times, we may honour you and encourage others by our prayers for those who are suffering today.

 (add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Gracious God, you give light to those in darkness who walk in the shadow of death; so remember in your kingdom your faithful servants, that death may be for them the gate to life and to unending fellowship with you.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Faithful God, you have promised to be with us and long ago sent your Spirit to live amongst us to guide us to a future of goodness and hope. As we travel into the week ahead seeking your truth and justice, help us to feel your presence and see your answers to the prayers we have made to you this morning.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Third Sunday before Advent  – Remembrance Sunday 

Almighty Father, we thank you for bringing us together this Remembrance Sunday to recall with tenderness and respect those who lost their lives from this community and the many thousands further afield in the wars of this and the last century. We pray for all those still caught up in conflicts across the world and acknowledge what may be our own confusion about war and the use of weapons. Father, help us to meet with you in these moments of worship and make us ever mindful of your goodness towards us and strengthen us to be aware of the needs of others. As we pray for peace, give us peace in our hearts.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

O God of truth and justice, we hold before you those men and women who have died in active service: in Iraq, in Afghanistan and elsewhere. As we honour their courage and cherish their memory, may we put our faith in your future; for you are the source of life and hope, now and for ever.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Mighty God, have mercy on those who mourn who feel numb and crushed and are filled with the pain of grief, whose strength has given up.  You know all our sighing and longings: be near to us and teach us to fix our hope on you.

We pray too for those we know who are ill, in hospital or in care homes and we remember to give thanks for those who are on the road to recovery.

 (add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Father God, you know our hearts and share our sorrows. We are hurt by our parting from those whom we loved: when we are angry at the loss we have sustained, when we long for words of comfort, yet find them hard to hear, turn our grief to truer living, our affliction to firmer hope in Jesus Christ our Lord.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Lord God, do not abandon us in our desolation. Keep us safe in the midst of trouble, and complete your purpose for us through your steadfast love and faithfulness.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Almighty and eternal God, from whose love in Christ we cannot be parted, either by death or life: hear our prayers and thanksgivings for all whom we remember this day; fulfil in them the purpose of your love; and bring us all, with them, to your eternal joy.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

(© Archbishops’ Council 2016 and The Rev’d Canon  Annette Reed)

Intercessions for Second Sunday before Advent 

Everlasting God, open our eyes, that we might see you. Open our ears, that we may hear you. Open our mouths, that we might speak your praise.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Holy God, we pray for your church throughout the world, for sceptics and believers, for clergy high and low. For all those who seek God at home, at work, in the streets, and in the pews, for all who search for life.  We pray for the stillness to listen to the voice of the Spirit and to recognise what you have done for us. 

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Creator God, you gave to us the care of our planet and yet all that we seem to do is spoil it.  We pollute the atmosphere in our striving for worldly goods, we endanger the lives of your animal kingdom in our constant desire for farmland and cash crops and we bring death and destruction in senseless wars and acts of terrorism.  We pray for a time when common sense rules and we all learn once again to be good stewards of your wonderful creation.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Father God, we pray for all those preparing for marriage that through their preparations they experience an increase of love towards each other and an increase of generosity to others. May their union, by our prayers, make for a long and happy life together.

 (Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Loving God, we raise before you the sick and the suffering and ask that even in difficult times, we may honour you and encourage others by our prayers for those who are suffering today.

 (add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Gracious God, you give light to those in darkness who walk in the shadow of death; so remember in your kingdom your faithful servants, that death may be for them the gate to life and to unending fellowship with you.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Faithful God, you have promised to be with us and long ago sent your Spirit to live amongst us to guide us to a future of goodness and hope. As we travel into the week ahead seeking your truth and justice, help us to feel your presence and see your answers to the prayers we have made to you this morning.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Intercessions for Christ the King Year C–20th  November 2016

Almighty God, your son Jesus is King of Kings, Lord of Lords and the redeemer of the human race. look down upon us, your earthly subjects, as we humbly lay ourselves and our intercessions before you. We are Jesus’ people, and we wish to be more closely united with him in all we do and say.  Search the heart of each one of us as we freely consecrate ourselves today to your his Sacred Majesty.

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

Creator God we pray for your world where many indeed have never known about you and your son; but where sadly many, have rejected you. Let Jesus be King, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken him, but also of the prodigal children who have abandoned him altogether.

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

Mighty God we pray for the people of the United States of America following the Presidential Election. Our thoughts and prayers are with a nation sharply divided between rich and poor and at war with itself, questioning its values and aspirations and trying to makes sense of the present whilst many fear the future. May all Americans remember that the coins in their pocket carry these words “In God we Trust” and put their trust back in you.

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

Father God we thank you that you have given Elizabeth our Queen a heart to serve her people. You have kept her in devoted service longer than all her predecessors and she is now the longest reigning earthy monarch. We pray too for King Felipe VI of Spain and other earthly leaders , kings, queens and rulers; encourage them all to serve their people following Jesus’ example constantly seeking the common good in all that they do.

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

Heavenly Father, Lord of the past and the future: we thank you for all the good things that have happened during the past Church Year. We thank you for our Chaplains, the fellowship and joy of our worship together as a community and for all those who have worked so hard to run and maintain our church here in………………………                    .

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

Loving God, we pray for all those who suffer in any way.  We pray that they will know the presence of your Son alongside them and the power of Christ the King within them bringing peace and healing for them and help and encouragement for those caring for them in their hour of need

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

Merciful God, when we have to part from those whom we loved it hurts; so when the loss we have sustained turns to anger and when we find words of comfort hard to hear, surround us with your love, turning our grief to hope. We pray now for the recently departed and those whose anniversary falls at this time.

Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

Lord God Almighty, we give thanks to you for all that you do in our lives.  At the end of this church year we commend to you all those for whom we have prayed throughout the year and ask that you continue to use us and our prayers to make a difference in their lives.

Merciful Father: Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen