Thank you for looking at these intercessions. Please feel free to use them or adapt them as you wish. They are free for everyone, and we are delighted to share them. They will always be free to use.
Perhaps we could suggest that if you want to, you could make a donation to support our Chaplaincy, which is entirely self-funded.
Just click this button 

With many thanks, and Every Blessing

Prayers of Intercession   The prayers at our Sunday Eucharist usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:

  • The Church of Christ, our local church, and Diocese
  • Creation, human society, the Sovereign and those in authority
  • The local community, our families, friends, and neighbours.
  • Those who suffer
  •  The communion of saints, the departed and the bereaved

Please use and share these prayers as you will. There is no copyright on communications with God our Heavenly Father, his beloved son Jesus Christ our Lord or with the Holy Spirit and Lord of Life.


Blessings to all of you using these intercessions. 

This site will soon be closing.

Not sure when!  But I would appreciate it if all of you who are Facebook users would try the Facebook page  – address below

The Costa Blanca Anglican Chaplaincy have a new website where the weekly intercessions will continue to be posted.  To ensure that you can still access the prayers I would advise that you go to the new site and bookmark it on your web browser

I have also started posting these intercessions on a Facebook page –

“Prayers for Sunday”

I also have a new email address specifically focused on intercessions –

I do hope that all users will still have access to the Intercessions which have proved to be very successful over the past 10 years.

Yours in Christ

Rev’d Steve Foster  (


Intercessions for Mothering Sunday (Lent 4) – March 30th 2025

Holy God, during Lent we come to you aware that we are not prepared for the awesome Easter message of Christ’s suffering and death and his glorious victory of resurrection. So help us as we offer of intercession and thanksgiving to truly understand the tremendous gift of Easter.

Today on Mothering Sunday we give thanks for our Church and earthy families and especially pray for our Mother churches where we first got to know you and our saviour Jesus Christ.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Loving God, we come before you today aware of how you call us to be like you.  We remember that you made us in your own image and that you gave to us mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, people to love, enjoy and work for and people to pray for and we are thankful .  As we think about our family, help us to remember our own sinfulness before you and how you forgive it and so make us, within our families and the wider world, to be messengers of your reconciling love.

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Merciful God, we pray for those who are in need of a healing touch today; for children who are hungry ; for families threatened by war or insurrection; for the sister who is very ill; for the father who soon will be dwelling in your kingdom; for the prodigal who left home in haste leaving behind uncertain parents; for the mother who is living in a house of fear especially as the war continues in The Ukraine.

(add names of those requesting prayer)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Everlasting God, we remember before you those who brought us into this world, raised and cherished us and made us what we are today especially those who we love but see no longer and we ask that you be close to all those who are grieving today over the loss of a loved one.

(add names of the recently departed or on Anniversary list)

(Short Silence)

Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer

Father God, our heart-felt prayer today, is but this, bless our family, and help us be a blessing to it. Touch all those who are mothers to us or to others. Anoint with your healing goodness our brothers and our sisters, smile upon our children and help them to grow.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen


We have been asked by The Archbishops of Canterbury and York to continue to pray for Ukraine:

Dear Sisters and Brothers,
We write to you as the world is in turmoil following recent events in Eastern Europe. I am sure that you will agree that the horrific and unprovoked attack on Ukraine is an act of great evil.
Now, more than ever, we need to place our trust in Jesus Christ, as we remember that God is not the author of confusion but of peace; and so I urge you to pray for a ceasefire, a withdrawal of Russian forces and for peace to prevail. Pray for the innocent – the women, men and children who are displaced, whose lives are disrupted, and who live in fear of the atrocities of war. Pray for those with power – that they may make a resolute and public decision to never use force, to actively work for peace and seek peaceful solutions to dispute and disagreement. Pray that there may be a recognition of common and shared humanity and God’s promise of flourishing life for all people.

The Bishop in Europe has asked us to join them in prayer for the chaplaincy in Kyiv and the churches that serve Ukraine.

At this time of great uncertainty, we place our hope and trust in God, whose love never fails. Lord, have mercy.