All posts by Andrew Johnson


This Sunday is Trinity Sunday, when we celebrate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, the three Persons of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Our churches are all operating services at their normal times, with each celebrating the Eucharist. Our weekly services continue in Alfaz on Thursdays and in Javea on Wednesdays.

Full details of these weekly communion services can be found at this page –

Fr. Rodney and Fr. Robin will be broadcasting their now regular communion service on Fr. Rodney’s Facebook page. It will be “streamed” live on Saturday at 7pm Spanish time (6pm BST) and then available all day on Sunday, to join at your leisure. As always both the live broadcast and the recording will be available on the following page – If you are not ready or not able to join us in one of our churches this is a wonderful way to share our worship.

IndianaJones8856, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Fr Marcus is live on the radio on Sunday from 6 – 8pm . Pure Gold 94.1fm and click Listen Live Send in your Jubilee requests either via WhatsApp 603259769, or email

If you wish to make a donation to support our Chaplaincy, which is entirely self-funded, you can pay directly into the Chaplaincy bank account in Spain (please show your name and the congregation that you support, if appropriate). The full IBAN number is –

ES24 0075 1294 6206 0012 5274 

Or just click the following link to do so by PayPal –

A Weekend of Celebration

The UK and the Commonwealth have been celebrating the marvellous achievement of Queen Elizabeth II. 70 years on the throne – an unprecedented Platinum Jubilee.

The Anglican Chaplaincy of the Holy Spirit, Costa Blanca has been celebrating too!

Jubilee tea in Denia

2 tea parties entertained well over 100 supporters, each raising funds for the work of the chaplaincy, which is entirely self-funded. On Friday a large crowd celebrated in true British style in the garden of the ermita in Denia. There was music, good food and great conversations. The health of her majesty was toasted in a sense of respect.

Albir Church Jubilee “Street Party”

On Monday, further south a similar crowd gathered in the Norwegian seamen’s centre in Albir to enjoy a traditional afternoon tea, a few challenging games, music and a sense of national pride. The 120 people at these 2 events raised well over €1200. Congratulations to everyone involved!

Cake in Calpe, to celebrate the birthday of the Church – blessed by Fr. Marcus

The chaplaincy has 8 centres of worship, between Valencia in the north and Alicante in the south. The total area for which the small team is responsible is about the size of Wales, making it one of the largest “parishes” in Europe.

The congregation at La Fustera, with Fr. Marcus

And this Sunday was another cause for celebration, as it was Pentecost (or Whitsunday), the day on which the Church traditionally celebrates its origin in the arrival of the Holy Spirit, after which this chaplaincy is named. The traditional seasonal colour for Pentecost is red, and many members chose to wear red as a mark of the occasion.

The congregation at Javea about to tuck in, following their service

All 7 of the regular Sunday services, plus the live-streamed “online” service celebrated the Eucharist (Holy Communion) with Pentecost and the Holy Spirit at the centre of the celebrations.

Pentecost in Albir, led by Fr. Paul

For more information on the churches and services of the chaplaincy visit their website – Everyone is made very welcome.

The congregation in Gandia, with Fr. Rodney

Click on ABOUT US – Churches and Services.

Jubilee Sermon

In case you missed it, here is the sermon delivered in St. Paul’s Cathedral this morning by His Grace, Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York.

Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen
Sermon for St Paul’s Cathedral, 3 June 2022

‘Bring your supplications and thanksgivings to God’ says St Paul. ‘Then the peace of God will guard your heart and mind… and keep on doing the things that you see in me.’ (Philippians 4.6,7 & 9)

Of course, the ‘me’ in that sentence is Paul himself. But Paul is only worth following because he is following Jesus. And Jesus is worth following because Jesus shows us who God is, and what our humanity could be. And there are many occasions in the gospels where we see Jesus himself, faithful to his vocation, seeking out places of replenishing so that he can learn God’s way.

‘I only do what I see the Father doing’, says Jesus (see John 5. 19).

‘He is close to God’s heart’, says St John (see John 1.18).

Sometimes I wonder whether the whole Christian faith is best understood as an invitation to dwell there ourselves.

And the purpose of the Christian faith is to know and to do God’s will.

Sisters and brothers, dear friends, we gather today in great rejoicing to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen, but we do it against a backdrop of such suffering and uncertainty in our world.

For me, the best leaders – like Paul, like Jesus – are those who know how to be led. People who lead for others, not themselves. People whose heart’s desire is to serve the common good and build up the common life; who don’t try to do it all themselves, or act in their own strength alone; people who take a longer view; and who seek out places of replenishing, even places where they might learn the mind of Christ.

And I say this today, knowing that in Her Majesty the Queen we see an example of this kind of service; a staunch constancy and a steadfast consistency; a faithfulness to God, an obedience to a vocation that is the bedrock of her life.

No, bedrock isn’t quite the right image.

Faith in Jesus Christ is a fountain, and it is a well.

It is the well from which we draw deeply and replenish ourselves through all the challenges, joys, and vicissitudes of life.

And it is a fountain, overflowing with immense joy. Joy, that we can live in the assurance that we are loved; joy, that God has a purpose for our lives; and, joy, that through Christ’s dying and rising we have the promise of life eternal.

Now we all know that Her Majesty likes horse racing and I imagine Your Majesty will be watching this on the television. I don’t have any great tips for the Derby tomorrow, but since the scriptures describe life as a race set before us, let me observe that your long reign reflects the distance of Aintree more than the sprints of Epsom. Certainly, less dressage than most people imagine. But with endurance, through times of change and challenge, joy and sorrow, you continues to offer yourself in the service of our country and the commonwealth. Your Majesty, we’re sorry you’re not with us this morning in person, but we are so glad you are still in the saddle. And we are all glad that there is still more to come.

So, thank you for staying the course. Thank you, for continuing to be faithful to the pledges you made 70 years ago. Thank you for showing us how service and faithfulness matter. People of all faiths and no faiths and people of goodwill can learn from this.

Sometimes people say to me that the Christian faith is just a prop. I couldn’t agree more. I’m not ashamed to say I lean on Jesus Christ, that I’m trying to live close to his heart. That I need his wisdom and his hope. And if you will forgive such presumption, this is what I also see in Her Majesty the Queen.

And to the people of our great nation, on this great and historic day, I say this: we are indeed living in a time of uncertainty and challenge, and we would do well to consider where we will find the replenishing we need.

What I see in Her Majesty the Queen is someone who has been able to serve our nation faithfully because of her faith in Jesus Christ. Perhaps there is no better way of celebrating her Platinum Jubilee than by doing the same ourselves.

Stephen Cottrell
Archbishop of York


This is a weekend of celebration, as a nation and a commonwealth marks the platinum jubilee of the Queen with gratitude and pride. Two jubilee tea parties are the joyous contribution of the chaplaincy, one on Friday in Denia and one in Albir on Monday.

Celebration is also at the heart of our worship this week, as we mark Pentecost, recognised as the birthday of God’s church, and the patronal festival of this chaplaincy – the Anglican Chaplaincy of the Holy Spirit, Costa Blanca. We hope that you will join us at one of our 7 communion services, where we will mark this special festival. Many in our congregations will wear red, and we hear that there will even be birthday cake in one or two places!

Our churches are all operating services at their normal times, with each celebrating the Eucharist. Our mid-week services continue in Javea on Wednesdays and in Alfaz on Thursdays. Full details of these weekly communion services can be found at this page –

Fr. Rodney and Fr. Robin will be broadcasting their now regular communion service on Fr. Rodney’s Facebook page. It will be “streamed” live on Sunday at 10am Spanish time (9am BST) and then available all day on Sunday, to join at your leisure. As always both the live broadcast and the recording will be available on the following page – If you are not ready or not able to join us in one of our churches this is a wonderful way to share our worship.

Fr Marcus is live on the radio on Sunday from 6 – 8pm. Pure Gold 94.1fm, or and click Listen Live. Send in your Jubilee requests – either via WhattsApp 603259769, or email

If you wish to make a donation to support our Chaplaincy, which is entirely self-funded, you can pay directly into the Chaplaincy bank account in Spain (please show your name and the congregation that you support, if appropriate). The full IBAN number is –

ES24 0075 1294 6206 0012 5274 

Or just click the following link to do so by PayPal –

Rev Peter Morrell – yesterday’s sermon

We rarely have the opportunity to share the excellent sermons delivered in our churches. Here is one exception, Peter Morrell’s sermon from yesterday. Feel free to share this further among our people.

Sunday 29 May 2022 Easter 7 Calpe (CW)
Acts 16.16-34 Psalm 97 Revelation 22.12-14,16-17,20-21 John 17.20-26

“Holy Father, I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”

So began the famous prayer by Jesus, God the Son, to God the Father, that brought the Last Supper to an end. Jesus was praying that not just the unlettered fishermen, their unlettered companions and the tax collector, but all his disciples should be equipped to share with the world the Good News that he had proclaimed.
Some twelve hours later, Jesus, God the Son, was hanging on a cross on Calvary. Three days after that, the tomb where his body had been laid was found empty and Jesus was with ten remaining disciples in an upper room in Jeruslaem.1 Forty days after that, in Galilee, his by now restored twelve disciples were with Jesus on top of a mountain, when, before he left them and ascended to God the Father, he said to them:
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”2

So, what had happened between the Passover, when Jesus had shared his last meal with the eleven and forty-four days later, when he bade his disciples a final farewell, that had equipped them for the enormous commission, enormous both in scope and in importance, with which he charged them of establishing across the world what we have come to call Christianity? And when I say “across the world”, let us not forget that the Apostle Thomas took Christianity to South India; and within five hundred or so years after that, with no internet to assist, Christianity had spread to lands as far apart as Ireland and China.3
So, to ask the question again, what had happened between Passover, the first Maundy Thursday, and Ascension Day, last Thursday, to equip the eleven for their awesome task? The answer is, not much! True, John’s Gospel recounts the occasion on the first Easter Day, when Jesus appeared to all of them, except Thomas, in the locked house in Jerusalem and, I quote; “breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’…”,4 but the real moment of their inspiration, as described in Luke’s Gospel, happened next Sunday, ten days after Ascension Day – the feast that Christians call Pentecost.
You may have heard me preach before, that Pentecost is the hinge of the Church’s year. From Advent Sunday, when we anticipate the coming of the Messiah, through Christmas, when we celebrate his birth, through the season of Epiphany, when we remember the disclosure of his arrival and his nature, through Lent, when we recall his mission, through Good Friday and Easter, when we remember his sacrifice for us and his Resurrection to Ascension Day, the Church focusses our attention on Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God. But, on Pentecost, the Church shifts our focus from Jesus onto the disciples; onto you and me and the commission with which Jesus charged us on that first Ascension Day.
When Jesus was amongst us, from the moment of their calling on the shore of Lake Galilee and from the tax booth, the attention, the loyalty and the love of the eleven disciples, who were faithful to Jesus, was focussed upon Jesus, their leader. But, fifty days after Passover, on Pentecost, which in its Greek manifestation pentekoste, means ‘fiftieth’ and refers to the Jewish Feast of Weeks, celebrated on the fiftieth day after Passover5 – on Pentecost, when the eleven and Mary, Jesus’ mother, and other supporters were in an upper room in Jerusalem, as Jesus had promised during the Last Supper, and as we heard in last week’s Gospel,
“The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.”6
As with the eleven, so with you and with me. Next Sunday, Pentecost, the Church turns our attention away from the birth, mission, death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus onto ourselves, his disciples, charged, as were the eleven, “with [making] disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that [he has] commanded [us].”2
And when we doubt our ability to do so, let us remember the prayer that Jesus, God the Son, offered to God the Father during the Last Supper, when, as we heard this morning, he asked,
…not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word – that’s you and me – that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

With such divine assistance, how can we dare doubt our ability to do as Jesus commanded us?

1John 20.19-23
2Matthew 28.18-20
3 (accessed 060519)
4John 20.22
5 (accessed 060519)
6John 14.26

7th Sunday after Easter

This Sunday, as usual, we celebrate the Eucharist in all our churches. In addition we have our regular weekly communion services in Javea on Wednesday and at the Forum in Alfaz on Thursday. We look forward to welcoming you.

Full details of all these weekly communion services can be found at this page –

Fr. Rodney and Fr. Robin will be broadcasting their now regular communion service on Fr. Rodney’s Facebook page. It will be “streamed” live on Sunday at 10am Spanish time (9am BST) and then available all day on Sunday, to join at your leisure. As always both the live broadcast and the recording will be available on the following page – If you are not ready or not able to join us in one of our churches this is a wonderful way to share our worship.

And this week Fr. Marcus returns to the airwaves for his live Sunday radio programme, between 6pm and 8pm, Spanish time, on Pure Gold FM. You can listen on the radio on 94.1 FM. Or on your computer, tablet or phone join through the listen live button on

If you wish to make a donation to support our Chaplaincy, which is entirely self-funded, you can pay directly into the Chaplaincy bank account in Spain (please show your name and the congregation that you support, if appropriate). The full IBAN number is –

ES24 0075 1294 6206 0012 5274 

Or just click the following link to do so by PayPal –

Feast of the Ascension

This Thursday, May 26th is Ascension Day. This will be marked in 3 services and we invite you to join us.

At the Ermita in Javea (on the Jesus Pobre Road) the Ascension will be celebrated as part if our weekly, Wednesday service at 10.30.

On Thursday there are 2 opportunities to join us. Our weekly service at the Forum in Alfaz del Pi is at 11.00.

And at the same time Fr. Rodney and Fr. Robin will be broadcasting an Ascension Day communion service on Fr. Rodney’s Facebook page. It will be “streamed” live at 11am Spanish time (10am BST) and then available all day, to join at your leisure. As always both the live broadcast and the recording will be available on the following page –

Finally Fr. Marcus returns “on air” this Sunday for his live radio programme, between 6pm and 8pm, Spanish time, on Pure Gold FM. You can listen on the radio on 94.1 FM. Or on your computer, tablet or phone join through the listen live button on

Visit the following page to see times and locations for our service –

6th Sunday of Easter

We look forward to welcoming you to one of our regular communion services. Full details of these weekly communion services can be found at this page –

Fr. Rodney and Fr. Robin will be broadcasting their regular communion service on Fr. Rodney’s Facebook page. It will be “streamed” live on Saturday at 7pm Spanish time (6pm BST) and then available all day on Sunday, to join at your leisure. As always both the live broadcast and the recording will be available on the following page – If you are not ready or not able to join us in one of our churches this is a wonderful way to share our worship.

Fr. Marcus will soon return to his Sunday evening slot on PureGold fm. But, for now, please continue to pray for his return to full health, following his broken clavicle.

If you wish to make a donation to support our Chaplaincy, which is entirely self-funded, you can pay directly into the Chaplaincy bank account in Spain (please show your name and the congregation that you support, if appropriate). The full IBAN number is –

ES24 0075 1294 6206 0012 5274 

Or just click the following link to do so by PayPal –

This week’s services

This week Fr. Rodney and Fr. Robin will be in Oberammergau to see the passion play. Fr. Rodney says, “Unfortunately there will be no live stream this week as we are in Austria, on our way to Oberammergau. This will be the first one we’ve missed in over 2 years! Normal service will be resumed next: day/time TBC.” We thank them both and wish them a wonderful experience.

Otherwise our churches are all operating services at their normal times, with each celebrating the Eucharist. Our mid-week services continue in Javea on Wednesdays and in Alfaz on Thursdays.  

Full details of these weekly communion services can be found at this page –

Please continue to bear Fr. Marcus in your prayers, as he recovers in much pain from a fractured collar bone.

If you wish to make a donation to support our Chaplaincy, which is entirely self-funded, you can pay directly into the Chaplaincy bank account in Spain (please show your name and the congregation that you support, if appropriate). The full IBAN number is –

ES24 0075 1294 6206 0012 5274 

Or just click the following link to do so by PayPal –

Services for the 4th Sunday of Easter

There will be no service at La Fustera this week (according to a Facebook post). Our other churches are all operating services at their normal times, with each celebrating the Eucharist. Our mid-week service continue in Javea on Wednesdays and in Alfaz on Thursdays.  

Full details of these weekly communion services can be found at this page –

Fr. Rodney and Fr. Robin will be broadcasting their now regular communion service on Fr. Rodney’s Facebook page. It will be “streamed” live on Saturday at 7.30pm Spanish time (6.30pm BST) and then available all day on Sunday, to join at your leisure. As always both the live broadcast and the recording will be available on the following page – If you are not ready or not able to join us in one of our churches this is a wonderful way to share our worship.

Please bear Fr. Marcus in your prayers, as he recovers in much pain from a fractured collar bone.

If you wish to make a donation to support our Chaplaincy, which is entirely self-funded, you can pay directly into the Chaplaincy bank account in Spain (please show your name and the congregation that you support, if appropriate). The full IBAN number is –

ES24 0075 1294 6206 0012 5274 

Or just click the following link to do so by PayPal –