Chaplaincy Website

Dear friends,
12 years ago, our son, Mark developed the current Chaplaincy website and has hosted it for us ever since. I am truly grateful to him.
Until Fr. Steve retired I tried to support him in the role of webmaster, and have done the job since his retirement. We are so blessed that Fr. Steve still provides our intercessions each week. And he will continue to do so. Thank you.
But the time has come for me to hand on the hosting and administration of the site. From October 1st, Gemma Preece will be webmaster. She can be contacted on the following email address –
Do please feed Gemma with information for the Events page, with news and with other input. It is time for a new set of eyes to take us forward. Expect to see changes to the appearance and the content. I have enjoyed the role and look forward to seeing the website and Chaplaincy communications develop, under Fr. Jim’s lead.
Blessings to all (am I authorised to say that 😉?)