On Tuesday, July 26th Fr. Marcus Ronchetti celebrated his final communion service as the senior chaplain of the Anglican Chaplaincy of the Holy Spirit Costa Blanca, as he and Sandra move on to retirement, and new and exciting adventures ahead.
In his sermon Fr. Marcus focussed on the love that he has found and given in his ministry, while telling the story of his call to ordination. He was surrounded by his family, his fellow clergy and many, many friends. A chaplaincy choir, led by Fr. Robin sang (beautifully) three beautiful and aptly chosen pieces. We were grateful to Elaine who shared her talent as she accompanied our hymns on the ogan. And Marjorie led our intercessions, including a moving prayer for Sandra and Marcus.
After that we moved to the Hotel Gran Sol for a wonderful hog roast supper party. Tributes were paid by many, including Marcus’ friend and previous warden from Shoreham, and by his three sons, Joe, Tom and Adam. Gifts were given, including a £700 voucher for Virgin “experience” days, and various individual and congregational presents. We talked about the achievements of the past 12 years, of the fellowship, of the community, of the outreach, of the teaching (and the learning) and of the love. We obviously touched on Marcus’s role on puregold.fm (where “fm” stands for “Father Marcus”).
There was dancing to Steve’s disco – and there was fun.
Plus an amazing “Happy Retirement” cake, made in the design of a camper van by Chrissie and provided by Lin. Fr. Marcus’s impressive paper craft, illuminated “canon” caught everyone’s attention. And now we wish Sandra and Marcus great happiness and wonderful adventures, as they prepare to travel off in their own camper.