Sunday Worship

The live stream worship, led by Fr. Rodney and Fr. Robin this week will be on Fr. Rodney’s Facebook page at 7pm Saturday Spanish time (6pm UK time). It will then be available throughout Sunday to join at your leisure. An advance advice – next week they will broadcast live on Saturday 15th at 8pm Spanish time. Both the live streams and the replay can be easily accessed on the usual Facebook page –

In all our churches we are celebrating holy communion at the usual times. You can find the locations and times on the following web page –

Have you already ordered your Bible Cake recipe? For a donation of €1 (or more if you choose) you can have great fun, maybe with a younger relative, grandchild, godchild, nephew or niece, while helping to support the Chaplaincy. Visit this page to find out more –

If you wish to make a donation to support our Chaplaincy, which is entirely self-funded, you can pay directly into the Chaplaincy bank account in Spain (please show your name and the congregation that you support, if appropriate). The full IBAN number is –

ES24 0075 1294 6206 0012 5274 

Or just click the following link to do so by PayPal –