Feliz Año Nuevo

This Sunday sees the first services of 2022, with all our churches celebrating the eucharist at their regular times. For details of times and locations visit the churches and services page on our website –


If you can’t attend in person there is still the option of the live-streamed service from Frs Rodney and Robin at 10am on Sunday Spanish time (9am UK time). This will then be available as a recording to watch at your leisure. Both the live service and the recording can be viewed at Fr Rodney’s Facebook page –


If you wish to make a donation to support our Chaplaincy, which is entirely self-funded, you can pay directly into the Chaplaincy bank account in Spain (please show your name and the congregation that you support, if appropriate). The full IBAN number is –

ES24 0075 1294 6206 0012 5274 

Or just click the following link to do so by PayPal – 


And remember the Bible Cake fun fundraiser, set up by Tony Lewis, a great way to do something creative with the little ones, and with the chance of a hotel stay as a prize …. all while helping Chaplaincy funds. Click this link to participate, or to find out more –
