A bit of fun, and a way to help the Chaplaincy.

Hello All you lovely people,

I hope you are having a great day.
Can you spare a moment to have a look at our new website http://www.biblecake.com

It is an initiative to raise funds for the Chaplaincy, and is really good fun.
It revolves around the idea of making a cake, using a recipe made up of Bible references.

For example 
1 Cup Jeremiah Chapter 6 vs 21 tsp Exodus Ch 30 vs 36
Full instructions are given.

All you do is donate £1 (or any amount you wish) and we send you via email, a personalised copy, plus you get entered into a draw to will a stay at the Gran Sol Hotel in Calpe.

I have just tried it, and it works brilliantly!

So, have a go, and you can send the mail to whoever you have personalised it for.
This is just great.
Thanks so much,
Fr. Marcus

You can post this link to your friends and family, or publish it on any social media. Everyone who signs up makes a contribution, and stands a chance of winning!
