A note from the Treasurer

As 2021 draws to a close, the end of this December marks the preparation of my third set of accounts as treasurer, and while the actual tasks are not overly onerous, there has been much preoccupation, with Brexit and now Covid creating worrying times, and their effect on finances.

You will be aware that hard decisions have had to be made in respect of replacing Fr Marcus, and we cannot afford to replace him, at present, with a full-time clergy member. However we are fortunate to be able to appoint Fr Paul to a part time House For Duty position (similar to Fr Jim and Fr Rodney)immediately Fr Marcus retires.

Many of you will know Fr Paul, and he, together with Fr Jim and Fr Rodney and the Chaplaincy Council, have agreed to manage the Chaplaincy on a part-time basis for up to three years, so that we can try to stabilise our financial position during that time and plan effectively for our longer term future.

Currently, our finances are delicate (to say the least), but are stable, albeit at a level which is very much reduced from pre-Brexit and pre-pandemic value, and the costs of changing from a full-time to a part-time clergy post will ease the pressure after July.

So, what this brief thank you is not, is a request for more money, rather it is a thank you from me to everyone who supports the Chaplaincy, in whatever way, and allows us to continue our work in the Costa Blanca.

We have some wonderful people who support us with prayer, with talents and with cash, and for this, personally I thank you – I cannot respond to you individually and most of you are not known to me, but you know who you are, and please know and accept that your help is much valued and appreciated.

The work on the accounts (and whatever planning we can do for 2022) has already begun, so that we are as prepared as we can be for whatever challenge is presented to us.

Can I wish you a very happy and Holy Christmas, and an optimistic New Year,

Dennis Johnson