Climbing High!

On Friday Lynda, Sandra and I did our Climbing and Abseiling challenge at Toix West, on the edge of Calpe. It was part of my process for overcoming my fear of heights before Sandra and I walk the Camino del Rey which is very scary.Our trip was organised by David, a very experienced mountaineer and we were led by Trevor and Des from Rock and Sun, who were absolutely brilliant. We all did really well, and achieved more than any of us imagined. I personally never thought I could climb that high, but the team made sure we were all perfectly safe, and in fact I whizzed up that mountain! Our confidence boosted and our spirits high, we are all now ready for anything!Huge thank you to all who made it happen (David and Rock and Sun), and for those who have sponsored us.
Watch this post for our next adventure!
Fr Marcus, Sandra, Lynda and David