Update – TIE (residency) cards

Chaplaincy Warden, Diana Pringle has forwarded the following update from the British Embassy –

The following is a statement from the British Embassy dated 28th April 2021.

“We know that some of you have been having difficulties getting TIE appointments in Alicante province. The Spanish authorities have confirmed to us that they have opened up TIE appointments for UK Nationals in the following areas:

*Alicante Campo de Mirra (as well as continuing in the Ebanistaria office)



Appointments in Elche should be available shortly.”

Appointments are still booked in the same way as always, via the online portal here: https://sede.administracionespublicas.gob.es/icpplus/index.html When you select the option¨POLICIA  EXP. TARJETA ASOCIADA AL ACUERDO DE RETIRADA CIUDADANOS BRITANICOS Y SUS FAMILIARES (BREXIT)” the available offices will appear on a drop-down menu and you can select the office that is best for you. Appointments will only appear where there is availability. So, if your chosen office does not have any availability at the time you look, you can either choose another available office or try again at a later date.