Friday offering from Fr. Marcus

Licensed to …….

My Dear Friends,

I hope you are feeling OK today.

For us clergy to minister in the Diocese of Europe it is necessary for us to have the Bishop’s Licence among other things. This Licence runs for 5 years, and then has to be renewed, and mine is up for renewal on 11th November when the Archdeacon will come and, on behalf of the Bishop proclaim my shiny new Licence.
It gives us a great opportunity to think about our future, and the chance for me personally, and all of us together, to publically show our commitment to working hard to continue to build the Kingdom in this place.

At the moment our plan is to have the service at 11am at La Fustera, followed by a ‘Bring your own picnic’. (After that the Chaplaincy Council have a meeting with the Archdeacon)

We are allowed 75 people in the church, and so we do need to know how many are coming, so please let your local warden know as soon as possible. If we have more than 75, we will need to think again. It is possible that we can open the doors and have some folk outside.

I don’t want to pre-empt what I will say at either the Licensing or the APCM, but I do want to share my thinking on hope and commitment.

It is very apparent that there is a great deal of uncertainty around. People are nervous about the future, worried about travel arrangements and plans, and everyone I talk to is missing family and friends who are miles away. It may well be that Christmas is very different this year, and that will be hard for many of us. Folk are struggling, and many are feeling flat and very low, and I understand that. 

My default setting is that ‘Everything will be fine’, but that it is not what some people are thinking, and we do need a sense of realism. So this is where I think things like the APCM and the Licensing are important. They will both give us an opportunity to reflect on, and pray about the situation, we and everyone else find ourselves in. They also allow me personally to express my commitment to walking along side you all as we go through this together. To commit to doing what I can and what is necessary to ensuring the health and wellbeing of you all as individuals, and the Chaplaincy as a whole. To express my understanding of Christian hope, which is not some vague wish, but an acceptance of a future fact that this too will pass.
It may be that some things will change for ever, and it is possible that some people will make decisions about their location, but I genuinely believe that at some time in the future we will have most of the opportunities for travel, gathering, fundraising, laughter and joy that we used to take for granted, and I will do all that I can to make sure that the Chaplaincy is in a great place in which to embrace all of that.

I think we have all been surprised by the events of 2020 so far, and I am sure that more surprises will come our way, both good and bad. But the one constant and affirming reality is the power, presence and love of God, and the inspiration that flows freely from the Holy Spirit when we open ourselves to receive it. 

There is always joy to be had, blessings to be counted, love to be given and received, and smiles offered to express a sense of hope.

So, please accept this an as invitation to the renewal of my licensing. 11am on 11th November at La Fustera Church, and join me not only in celebrating the day, but committing to do all we can to continue the great work that has been going on in this Chaplaincy for very nearly 50 years.

Bless you, Bless you, Bless you,

As ever,

Fr Marcus