Supporting the work of the Chaplaincy

Several of our church family have asked again for details of the Chaplaincy’s bank accounts, to make donations. This is very encouraging, because with no fundraising and no Sunday collections the reserves are having to be used to pay the continuing bills. If you have not yet made a “lockdown” donation please consider doing so, if your circumstances allow.

You can make a bank transfer in British pounds or in Euros.

To pay in pounds please use the following account. For future transfers please add “Costa Blanca” in the notes section. This account is at Barclays Bank plc:

Account name: The Diocese in Europe Fund;   Account Number: 40317039. Sort-code: 20-06-13;   NOTE – “Costa Blanca”
You should not need the following information, but, if asked the Swiftbic code is: BUKBGB22; and the IBAN number Is: GB16 BUKB 2006 1340 3170 39. Do please note that bank transfers will attract a UK banking handling charge of £4.50.

And if you wish to donate in Euros, the Spanish account number (IBAN) is as follows – ES76 ‪0075 1294 60‬ 0600122108. It is in the name of Capelania Anglicana de la Costa Blanca.

Thank you for your considered donations to help the continuing work of the chaplaincy.