Good Morning All, and Greetings to you wherever you are.
For a while at least we are needing to be a church that gathers at a distance, and I have a strange feeling that it will strengthen our bonds. Every cloud..and all that.
Maybe we can use our ‘Church time’ today to do some deep praying.
When I am on retreat I find that trying to formulate lots of prayers, remember everything and everyone, or sort things out in my mind is not the best way, but rather I find the closeness of God in the silence.
God knows what is going on, and he knows the secrets of our hearts, and we don’t need to be telling him what to do, or how to do it. Or giving him advice on making sure our own plans come to pass.
Rather we can rest in his presence. ‘Our hearts are restless til they find their rest in you.’
The monks spend a lot of time in solitude, in their cells. Initially that sounds scary, but the truth is that is where they are closest to heaven.
Maybe we can allow God to speak with us in our times of quiet, and maybe we will receive the grace to encounter heaven.
Bless you all,
Fr Marcus