Archdeaconry Synod Newsletter



Gibraltar Archdeaconry Newsletter -Autumn 2018

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A New Newsletter for our Archdeaconry

Members of the Standing Committee busy organising the 2019 Synod back in September

Welcome to a new venture; an occasional newsletter for the Gibraltar Archdeaconry!

This will be produced and sent around to Archdeaconry representatives and clergy four times a year and its intention is to keep you updated with what is going on elsewhere in our Archdeaconry family and further afield.

There will be accounts, stories and pictures of events going on in different parts of our Archdeaconry. You are therefore invited to offer photographs and brief descriptions of events happening in your chaplaincy which can be published in the next copy for everyone to see. Submissions can be sent to ‘‘.

The newsletter will also provide a chance for the Archdeacon to send information out to our chaplaincies or to remind us of things that will affect us from within the wider diocese, linking us in to that part of our church family as well.

Please feel free to forward this to others in your chaplaincy as appropriate. Happy reading!

A New Chaplain at Costa Brava

On 4th September just gone Rev’d Rachel Shock was licensed as Chaplain to Costa Brava. Rachael has been working in Derby Diocese in the UK and begins her ministry in the northern part of Spain with the keen support of Chaplaincy members.

She was licensed during a Sung Eucharist led by Ven. Geoff Johnston and is accompanied in her knew ministry living here by husband Tim.

Welcome Rachael!

Archdeaon’s Visit to Torrevieja

Fr Geoff our Archdeacon visited the Torrevieja Chaplaincy in eastern Spain during September having arrived in the Chaplaincy area for the Standing Committee meeting the week before which helps plan our next Synod together.

He met Fr Richard the Chaplain and members of the Church Council to listen to their concerns and offer support as appropriate.

Gibraltar Reps at Diocesan Synod

The Diocesan Synod met in May of this year for its annual gathering in Cologne in Germany and our Synod was well represented at the three day meeting.

Discussions at Diocesan Synod included a debate on the financial plan, and a film about the environmental work of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople which led into our own debate about our Dioceses’ environmental response.

We heard about Safeguarding work that continues within the Church of England as a whole and certainly within our Diocese and Archdeaconry.

We took part in worship together and enjoyed some rather well prepared food provided by the Kardinal-Schulte Haus, a conference centre with a Christian foundation.

What would you like to include here?

Perhaps you’ve had a special event in your part of the Archdeaconry?

Maybe a licensing, a party or just a special guest for afternoon tea?

Perhaps you’ve enjoyed a particularly good Christmas service? Or maybe Remembrance Sunday was a moving act of worship?

Send in your photographs and a short description of what is happening and your chaplaincy event could be seen throughout the Archdeaconry!

Submissions to;

The next copy will be published just after the Archdeaconry Synod which is due to be held in the first week of February, 2019.

Thanks for reading

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