New Look Website

The Chaplaincy’s website has been given a facelift. The new look is clean and bright, with all the recognised features. Not much has changed, except the presentation, but it is now much easier to find your way around.

The menu has been re-organised to be more logical, with the 4 most frequently sought areas at the top – “WELCOME”, “EVENTS” and “PRAYERS for SUNDAY” are followed by a grouping “ABOUT US”, which includes our churches and services information, and the other details of who we are and what we do. Thank you to Fr Steve, who continues to manage our Sunday prayers.

Other people can still sign up for this blog at the bottom of the menu, and, as you did, they will be asked to confirm their request to subscribe. Among other things this ensures that we comply with the new data protection rules (GDPR).

WE WELCOME YOUR FEEDBACK. Please email any thoughts to