GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

A new EU regulation comes into force on May 25th. This new regulation sets forth that when dealing with personal data, the entity must always have the unequivocal consent from the affected party. You will have heard of this from other organisations that hold your contact information.

As a subscriber to this service, the Chaplaincy “Blog Post”, when you first registered your interest you were required to confirm your request to be kept informed through this channel.

Your contact details provided for this service are not accessed by any other “entity”. Nor does the Chaplaincy use this list for other purposes.

You have, therefore, already confirmed your unequivocal consent to the use of your data (email address and name) for this purpose only.

You also have the right to have your details removed from the list at any time. This can be done by emailing You will receive confirmation when your request has been actioned.

The Church Electoral Roll as a statutory document must be maintained and publicly displayed according to the Church Representation Rules and next year, when a New Electoral Roll is created, those on the current Roll have to be contacted to ask if they wish to be on the Roll again. These things do not contravene GDPR.

Thank you for your understanding.