Choral Concert

And on the following Sunday –

Sunday 11th February, 09:45h, Ermita del Pópul, Carretera Jesús Pobre 4km, Sung Mass for the Costa Blanca Anglican Chaplaincy.

This Salisbury-based Chamber Choir (17 voices), founded forty one years ago, specialising in music of the Renaissance, particularly by English and Spanish composers such as Tallis and Byrd, Victoria and Guerrero – often described as the Golden Age, el Siglo de Oro. It is directed by Nicholas Hale. The choir will perform a small number of concerts contain about an hour’s music and take place in beautiful buildings which are not always readily accessible to the public. Entry is free, with a retiring collection for local charities. The programme for the concerts will be similar but not identical. At this Sunday Mass you can hear the music in the context for which it was written.