Pledge Sunday

Today is Advent Sunday. And this Sunday was chosen by the Chaplaincy Council to encourage us all to consider, once again, our giving to the work of the Chaplaincy. We are entirely self funded, and rely on the generosity of our people, coupled with very tight financial management.

Everyone who attended one of our services today has received the attached leaflet, and a pledge form, also attached.

2017 Pledge Sunday                2017 Pledge Form

Please read the leaflet carefully, pray over your position and consider, with God’s guidance, what you should give in the future. We then ask you to complete a pledge form, even if your contribution will remain unchanged, to help us plan our finances.

The forms should be sealed in an envelope, marked “Pledge Form”, and placed it in the collection basked next Sunday. If you are not with us next Sunday, your form can be brought when you next attend. Your confidentiality is assured, as your pledge will be known only by you and the Stewardship Administrator.

Thank you for your time, your generosity, and all that you do for the Church.