
On the 18th January there is to be a meeting in Brussels with the Bishop, members of our Diocese and the relevant ministers involved in the Brexit Process, including Lord George Bridges. The meeting has been set up for us to express any issues or problems that our Diocese feel we may face as we prepare and ultimately leave the European Union.
I have been invited to attend, and would appreciate any comments or thoughts that you may have on how Brexit may affect our Chaplaincy, the Diocese in Europe, or the broader community. This is a chance to have your views aired and I do not want to waste this chance. Please, please send me a short message on any point or issue you would like to be raised.
I would appreciate a response by January 16th at the latest to enable me to consolidate and prepare a paper to take with me.
I know that you are all busy but please take this opportunity to air your views.
My email is andrewjis@outlook.com.
My best wishes, as always,

Andrew Johnson

Chaplaincy Warden